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Henry Ford: Great American

Henry Ford: Great American. Bailey Irps. Background Information. Birth: July 30, 1863 (Dearborn, Michigan) Family: William & Mary Ford (Dad & Mom), 6 siblings, Clara Bryant (Wife), Edsel Ford (Son) Education: Single room school for 8 years

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Henry Ford: Great American

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Henry Ford: Great American Bailey Irps

  2. Background Information • Birth: July 30, 1863 (Dearborn, Michigan) • Family: William & Mary Ford (Dad & Mom), 6 siblings, Clara Bryant (Wife), Edsel Ford (Son) • Education: Single room school for 8 years • Occupation: First job: Edison Illuminating Company. Later, President of Ford Motor Company • Death: 1947, age 84

  3. Henry’s Accomplishments and Contributions Henry Ford accomplished a lot. He invented mass-production, which we still use. Ford also incorporated the Ford Motor Company, which still lives on today. Finally, he transformed our transportation forever with his cars and his ideas.

  4. Henry’s Qualities • Hard-working • Wanted to help America • Kind to workers • Right amount of stubbornness

  5. Henry’s Interesting Accomplishments Henry Ford had other accomplishments than the ones in the car line. Ford built bombers, jeeps and tanks for the army during WWII. Henry owned his own newspaper company called The Dearborn Independent and he unveiled an indoor/outdoor museum called The Henry Ford. He also established several schools and factories. Henry Ford attempted to end WWI with a boat full of pacifists. Finally, he ran for U.S senator, and was only narrowly defeated.

  6. Info Bibliography • http://www.hfmgv.org/exhibits/hf/ • http://www.modelt.ca/background.html • http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/213223/Henry-Ford • http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventors/ford.htm • http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAford.htm

  7. Picture Bibliography • Slide one, Henry: http://www.motorsportshalloffame.com/halloffame/ 1993/Henry_Ford_main.htm • Slide one, Model T: http://www.writedesignonline com/historyculture/ expressionism.htm • Slide two: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_ Ford • Slide three, Model T’s: http://newcarbuyingguide.com/index.php/news/ main/6055/event=view • Slide Three, Ford Logo: http://www.knowmore.org/wiki/index.mphp?title =Ford_Motor_Company • Slide Four: http://www.pr-owl.org/people/index.php • Slide Five, Bomber: http://feedlot.blogspot.com/2007/07/bombers-coming-to-omaha.html • Slide Five, Jeep: http://rsanityrvtravels.blogspot.com/2011/01/missing-money-has-been-found.html • Slide Five, Tank: http://www.freewebphoto.com/photos/210/12/vintage-us-tank.html

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