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“Drones for Good” The Game-Changing Promise for Wildland Fire

Presented to the OSTP Subcommittee on Disaster Reduction. “Drones for Good” The Game-Changing Promise for Wildland Fire. Mark L Bathrick Director, Office of Aviation Services - Boise, Idaho. https://www.doi.gov/aviation/uas. DOI UAS Program - Metrics That Matter.

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“Drones for Good” The Game-Changing Promise for Wildland Fire

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  1. Presented to the OSTP Subcommittee on Disaster Reduction “Drones for Good”The Game-Changing Promise for Wildland Fire Mark L Bathrick Director, Office of Aviation Services - Boise, Idaho https://www.doi.gov/aviation/uas

  2. DOI UAS Program - Metrics That Matter • 2nd only to DOD in size, scope, reputation. • Unique FAA-granted authorities. • $50M saved on one fire mission. • 1/7th the time, 1/10th the cost RoT. • Leader in domestic sUAS testing. • First to identify commercial drone manufacturer cybersecurity issue, first to address. • Leads the Interagency Committee on Aviation Policy (ICAP) UAS Subcommittee. • Selected to Federal UAS Executive Committee (ExCom). • >40 favorable news articles. • >14,000 successful flights. • Zero complaints from public. • Zero accidents. • Zero additional OAS funding/pers. • Two national level UAS-related awards. • >400 fleet UAS, available call-when-needed contract for fire, SAR, natural resources. • 211 separate Federal, State, Local agencies/governments have reached out to OAS for sUAS program development support. 1NOAA, NASA, DHS, CBP, ID F&G, CO DPS, AK DoF, USFS, LAFD, Chicago, OR DoF, WA DNR, USACE, NSF, USDA, GSA, USDOT, ID DoL, USCG, CalFire, DC

  3. BVLOS Relay Fire & sUAS • Precision Fire Boundary Mapping • Ground-to-Ground Voice, Video, & Data Relay • Traffic Management • Fire Behavior Detection • Hotspot Detection • Airborne Targeting Support • Atmospheric Monitoring • “In-Your-Hand & On-Demand” Products • Danger & Escape Route Detection • Personnel & Equipment Location • Outcome Effectiveness Measurement • Tactical • Divisional • Strategic 2017 = 707 flights, 71 fires MLB18

  4. Keys to Effective Use of the “UAS IT Node” Weak Links: People & Processes Means to collect, distribute, access, and analyze the >24X amount of data collected 1 Trends and connections in collected data What do the trends/connections mean relative to previous trends, current expectations, established standards Supports actionable decisions with measurable impact MLB, Office of Aviation Services 1 http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/uav-data-volume-solutions-06348/

  5. The Game – Changing Potential of Optionally Piloted Aircraft (OPA). Day VFR Night Day IFR “X” helicopters in direct attack and resupply support ~8 hours = 100% Manned aircraft only 3X 2X X Winds Temp Rh 2017: ~10M acres $3B suppression

  6. Mark L Bathrick 2018

  7. Mark L Bathrick 2018

  8. Mark L Bathrick 2018

  9. Needs • Funding to complete transition of DOD-derived Optionally-Piloted Aircraft (OPA) technology to wildland fire Initial, Extended Attack, Resupply, and Emergency Extraction missions ($10M). • FAA certification criteria for heavier UAS (>55 lbs) for suppressant, retardant, supplies, emergency extraction missions. • Executive attention to encourage continued development and adoption of UAS and OPA technology across the interagency community.

  10. Thank you,Questions? Mark L Bathrick Director, Office of Aviation Services Boise, Idaho Email: [email protected] UAS Homepage: https://www.doi.gov/aviation/uas DOI Bureau National Aviation Managers: https://www.doi.gov/aviation/eab/nam_members DOI Aviation Executives: https://www.doi.gov/aviation/eab/committee_members

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