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DBQ Essay

DBQ Essay. Ms. Hall. Step 1: Number the TASK. 1. 2. Step 2: Answer DBQ question. Steps to Answering DBQ Questions: Read the question and underline KEY words Read the documents and underline KEY words Answer the question in complete sentence. Step 2: Answer DBQ question.

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DBQ Essay

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DBQ Essay Ms. Hall

  2. Step 1: Number the TASK 1. 2.

  3. Step 2: Answer DBQ question Steps to Answering DBQ Questions: Read the question and underline KEY words Read the documents and underline KEY words Answer the question in complete sentence

  4. Step 2: Answer DBQ question Steps to Answering DBQ Questions: Read the question and underline KEY words Read the documents and underline KEY words Answer the question in complete sentence

  5. Step 2: Answer DBQ question Steps to Answering DBQ Questions: Read the question and underline KEY words Read the documents and underline KEY words Answer the question in complete sentence

  6. Step 2: Answer DBQ question Steps to Answering DBQ Questions: Read the question and underline KEY words Read the documents and underline KEY words Answer the question in complete sentence

  7. Step 2: Answer DBQ question Steps to Answering DBQ Questions: Read the question and underline KEY words Read the documents and underline KEY words Answer the question in complete sentence

  8. Steps to Answering DBQ Questions: Read the question and underline KEY words Read the documents and underline KEY words Answer the question in complete sentence Step 2: Answer DBQ question

  9. Step 2: Answer DBQ question Steps to Answering DBQ Questions: Read the question and underline KEY words Read the documents and underline KEY words Answer the question in complete sentence

  10. Step 3: Reread the task and brainstorm ideas 1. 2.

  11. Step 4: Start Writing Your Essay! • Make sure you have an introduction, body and conclusion paragraph. • Make sure you use AT LEAST half the documents and cite the documents you use in your paragraph. For example, In the Han Dynasty women should be respectful, modest and keep herself in the background (document #1). • Make sure you use OUTSIDE information (information NOT from the documents)

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