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Repino on the older map of Saint Petersburg
Hotel Repinskaya in Repino

Repino (russe : Ре́пино, Modèle:Lang-fl) est une des divisions administratives de Saint-Pétersbourg le District de Kurortny à Saint-Pétersbourg en Russie, and a station of the Saint Petersburg-Vyborg railroad. It was known by its Finlande name Kuokkala until 1948, when it was renamed after its most famous inhabitant, Ilya Repine. It is located approximately 30 kilometers (18,64113576 mi) northwest of the main portion of Saint Petersburg[1], on the Isthme de Carélie on the shore of the Golfe de Finlande. Population: 2,011 (Recensement de 2002 en Russie); 4,215 (1989 Census (en)). The settlement is known for Repin's estate Penaty and for its Sanatorium.


At the beginning of the 20th century, Repino (then Kuokkala) was located in the Grand-duché de Finlande, a part of the Empire russe. Shortly after the Révolution d'Octobre in 1917, Finlande declared its independence from the Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. When the Isthme de Carélie was ceded by Finland to the Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques after the Guerre d'Hiver and the Guerre de Continuation (1939–1944), Kuokkala became Russian. In 1948, it was renamed Repino in honor of the Peinture Ilya Repin[1].


Ilya Repin designed his own house, called "Penates"

In 1899, Repin bought an estate here and called it Penaty (russe : Пенаты, meaning Penates, Empire romain household gods (en)). He designed his own house, and after it had been built several years later, Repin moved to Kuokkala. He would live there until his death in 1930. The house is surrounded by a large park.

The estate is part of the Organisation des Nations unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture Patrimoine mondial Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments[2]. The estate has been a museum since 1940[3].

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Notes et références

  1. a et b Modèle:De icon Petersburg-Aktuell, "Repino: Zu Gast beim großen Meister", retrieved on 25 May 2007.
  2. Unesco World Heritage Site Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments, retrieved 25 May 2007.
  3. Info on the museum "Penates", retrieved 25 May 2007.

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