Job Search Assistance on Zoom*

One-on-one Resume Building
Thursdays 9am-1:30pm. REGISTER at [email protected].
One-on-one Mock Interviews
First Thursday of the month, 2-3:30pm. Drop in, no registration required. Please use this Zoom link:
 *If you need access to a computer, email [email protected] or call the library at 508-532-5570.



The FBRC is your one stop shop for:

  • Expert guidance for City of Framingham Business resources, forms, and procedures
  • Small business and entrepreneurship support
  • LinkedIn Learning's database of 16,000 video courses in business, software, technology, and creative skills, taught by recognized industry experts
  • Print and electronic business resources and databases

Plus our state of the art Business Center PC comes equipped with Adobe Creative Cloud which gives users the ability to create and edit photography, design, video, web, UX and more. Located on the 3rd floor of the Main Library.

Explore our online resources below to learn more!


  • Online Learning and eBooks

    O’Reilly for Public Libraries offers unlimited access to 50K+ titles (including O’Reilly books in early release), 30K+ hours of video, case studies from top companies, learning paths, expert playlists, and more—with nearly 1,000 topics to explore in technology and business. With a range of content formats tailored to all levels you can learn in the way that works best for you.

  • Helpful Organizations
    • Small Business Administration. Looking to start your own Business? The Small Business Administration offers a 12 step guide to planning for every aspect to consider as well as the resources needed to start a business. 
    • Massachusetts Small Business Development Center. The MSBDC is based out of UMass Amherst, however, the Network Central Regional Office is located at Clark University. They provide free counseling to small businesses.
    • The Clark University Office has partnered with Worcester Polytechnic Institute Foisie Business School and the Center for Women and Enterprise (CWE) in Westborough to provide Small Business Digitization Services. Service is subject to availability.
    • The Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center provides information for taxpayers who file Form 1040 or 1040-SR, Schedules C, E, F or Form 2106, as well as small businesses with assets under $10 million. There is information about preparing, filing, and paying your taxes in compliance with the IRS guidelines.
  • Framingham Specific Resources
    • Tax Increment Financing. The City of Framingham offers tax incentives and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to businesses and developers “only when the benefits of private investment are expected to exceed any foregone tax revenue.” These benefits can be negotiated for both the Economic Development Incentive Program (EDIP) & the Urban Center House TIF (UCH-TIF) programs. Learn more about these programs HERE.
    1. The EDIP focuses on commercial properties that stimulate job creation and investment within the community.
    2. The UCH-TIF promotes the revitalization of commercial properties within the Central Business zone for housing development.
    • Licensing Office. The Licensing Office in Framingham processes applications and maintains records of all licenses and permits under the licensing authority of the Board of License Commissioners, City Council, and some under authority of the Police Department.
    • Building Permits. The Building Inspections Department processes all building permit applications for the City of Framingham. You can locate applications and applicant fee information HERE.
    • Framingham Development Handbook - The purpose of this handbook is to provide support and direction for future and current members of the Framingham business and landowner community. It provides vital information for applicants regarding the City’s permit processes that may be necessary for completion of a project in Framingham. The City of Framingham anticipates that this Handbook will serve as a valuable tool for anyone pursuing a residential, commercial, and/or industrial development within the City. 
    • Framingham Adult English as a Second Language PLUS (FAESL Plus) assists community members in developing reading, writing and speaking skills. They offer workshops, citizenship preparation classes, community involvement activities, resources for new immigrants, and more! 
  • Construction
    • City of Framingham Bid Postings. Sign up for the Bid Text Notification System. This allows vendors to sign up to receive a text message or email when new bids are added. This system also allows people to sign up for other types of notifications available from the city.
    • Register as a Vendor & View Bids - This allows vendor to register as a vendor with the city and also view bidding opportunities for the city and school departments. For Department of Public Works, register here.
    • Sign & Facade Program - Downtown Business Owners. In an effort to create a more appealing downtown cityscape, business owners can apply to fix up their storefronts, signs, windows, lighting and awnings. Sign improvements will be funded up to 2/3rds the overall cost of the signage with a maximum rebate of $3,000. Facade’s will be funded up to 1/3rd of the overall costs with a maximum rebate of $10,000. Funding for approved projects is sourced from Community Development Block Grant and administered by the Community Development Department.
    • Opportunity Zones. Find out if your property is located in an opportunity zone by checking out this map! The Opportunity Zone program provides a tax incentive for investors to re-invest unrealized capital gains into Opportunity Fund.
    • City of Framingham Zoning Map
  • Online Learning

    The Small Business Administration offers online workshops and training via the SBA Learning Center for those looking to start a new business or expand their current one. There are specific learning platforms such as

    • Ascent for Women: A free online learning platform for women interested in starting or growing their small businesses.
    • Boots to Business: Entrepreneurial education and training program for transitioning service members and their spouses
    • Emerging Leaders initiative: Executive-level series designed to accelerate the growth of high-potential small businesses in America’s underserved cities

    SCORE offers free business training on a variety of small business topics. Access low or no-cost webinars, on demand courses, and local workshops to acquire new business knowledge and skills.