Inspiration comes from the darndest places. My friend Jenny Lyon pays attention to paper products and that’s where I found the design used here. Who knew that a box of tissues could fire the imagination? Even simplified, this design has plenty of detail. I tried new lighting to take this photograph and had some success, […]
Jenny Lyon
Opening Artist Reception: Put Your Best Foot Forward
The opening artist reception for Put Your Best Foot Forward, Foot-Square Works from the Northern CA-Northern NV Region of SAQA was last night at Creative Framing & Gallery in Oakland, CA. The gallery was filled with quite a lovely and lively buzz the whole evening. The gallery is small, making cooperation among viewers necessary. This […]
I went to opening day of the Pacific International Quilt Festival at the Santa Clara Convention Center yesterday. So much eye candy! So much fun! Here are a few of the art quilts that stopped me in my tracks. I’m sorry I cut off the top edge of this charming quilt by Jenny Lyon. Love […]
Broken Ginkgos III
This is one of the small works I took with me to Asilomar last month. While there I did get some work done on it, but the many distractions did not allow for the kind of decision-making necessary to complete it. Yesterday, thanks to a day I spent with Jenny Lyon focused on quilting, I […]
One Lovely Blog Award
I’m proud to share that I’ve been nominated for the One Lovely Blog award by Meta Heemskerk of the Netherlands. Meta is a no-holds-barred fiber artist who is constantly learning and growing. I envy her focus and volume of accomplishment. Find out what Meta is up to at Green In The Middle. I’m very pleased […]
Skill Building with Jenny Lyon
I’m always interested in learning new quilting designs and generally building my free-motion quilting skills. Jenny Lyon — quilter extraordinaire, teacher and friend — teaches at several quilt shops in the Sacramento area. I asked her to come to my home to share her skills with a small group. My friends Aileyn, Jean, Dolores and […]
Slow Down
I’m hearing this from several sources — Simon Sinek recently posted an article entitled “Go Slow” and Jenny Lyon talked about slowing down in a class I hosted recently. Simon addressed the subject as a life-style issue. Jenny was referring to the peddle-to-the-metal approach for quilting. Her experience has taught her that if she wants […]
Gallery Visit and Quilt Critiques with Sandra Sider
I’m a member of Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) and I share the role of Representative for the Northern California/Nevada region with Sandy Wagner. I had the pleasure of hosting Sandra Sider, President of SAQA, at my home earlier this month. She was in town for other business and graciously offered to conduct a session […]