
To connect to the Fermilab network:

See the Computing Sector’s instructions at :

To go directly to node registration go here

For a virtual machine that allows collaborators to ssh to the FTBF computing cluster:


More information and files can be found here:

Other network devices

If the experiment intends to bring non-personal network devices such as DAQ computers, oscilloscopes, slow controls, etc. to FTBF, please contact [email protected] with the following information:

  • How many non-personal network devices do you want to connect?
  • What operating system is on each?
  • Is remote access from another computer needed?

For a fixed IP address it is better for us to make the network registration request. To do this, please email the FTBF coordinators with the following information about each device you need to connect to the network:

  1. Serial number
  2. MAC address of network interface
  3. Brief description of hardware, for example manufacturer, model number.

Some things to watch out for:

  • Computers need to be authorized on our security system. If your system is not, it must be on a private network.
  • Linux OS needs to be SLF5 or above. Using these OS versions simplifies getting support from the system administrators. There is Linux system administration support from Fermilab available.
  • We encourage users to avoid DAQ readout limitations in their tests to ensure effective use of test beam resources.

Users can also set up their own private network.

For more information on computing at Fermilab, see the Computing Division’s website. User may also want to read the knowledge-based article on Accounts and Passwords.