Full Fact fights bad information
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Full Fact fights bad information
Bad information ruins lives. It promotes hate, damages people’s health, and hurts democracy. You deserve better.
Recent fact checks
An image circulating on social media supposedly shows CNN reporting that in the US election Kamala Harris was six percentage points ahead of Donald Trump in Texas.
This is fake. CNN has said the image is “completely fabricated and manipulated” and was never broadcast.
At her first Prime Minister’s Questions as leader of the Conservative party, Kemi Badenoch claimed Labour’s Budget “did not even mention defence”.
This is not correct. The Autumn Budget contained multiple mentions of defence spending, and the chancellor Rachel Reeves also referenced it in her Budget speech.
Conservative peer Baroness Noakes claimed in Parliament last month that the NHS “gobbles up” 40% of the UK’s public expenditure.
That’s not right. Spending on health is planned to be around 18% of total government spending in 2024/25. The 40% figure excludes capital and some other types of spending.
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