A panel of Filipino students from Columbia University will share presentations on their research, share personal experiences and challenge participants to find parallels and perspectives on the state of our mental health, especially during this pandemic.
Watch it on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avYbfvc0Uc4
This panel is scheduled for:
Day 3: Nov. 6, 7:30-9:00 p.m. ET (Nov. 7, 7:30-9:00 a.m. Philippines)
Joanne Michelle Ocampo
Raisa Alexis Santos
Raisa is pursuing a Masters in Public Health at the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health. She currently interns as a reporter for Health Policy Watch, an online non-profit independent global health platform. She has worked in the past with Global Brigades in underserved communities of Panama and Nicaragua. As a daughter of Filipino immigrants, she has a special interest in immigrant mental health and immigration policy. And in her spare time, she enjoys writing fiction and taking her friends out to eat Filipino food.
Christian T. Gloria, PhD, MA, CHES
Christian T. Gloria, PhD, MA, CHES, studies the protective and resilience factors that enable people to adapt, grow, and thrive against chronic stress and adversity. He has worked with and served various vulnerable communities including immigrant, marginalized, military, minority, and low-SES populations in Texas, Hawaii, and the Republic of the Philippines. His present research is focused on the health and well-being of Filipino communities locally in New York and nationally across the United States. Other professional and scholarly interests include physical activity, nutrition, weight management, employee-work engagement, and public health workforce development.
Dr. Gloria is a Visiting Scientist of Mental Health for the Philippine Council for Health Research & Development and a Visiting Professor of Public Health for several higher education institutions in the Republic of the Philippines (specifically, Angeles University Foundation, Ateneo de Manila University, De La Salle University, Silliman University, University of San Agustin, University of the Assumption, and University of the Philippines Manila).
Previously, Dr. Gloria was the Department Chair and Associate Professor of Public Health at Hawaii Pacific University (2012-21) as well as the Vice President (2016-17) and President (2017-18) of the Hawaii Public Health Association. With over 20 years of experience, he has planned, implemented, and evaluated public health programs and research projects with various organizations including community health centers, hospitals, NGOs, government agencies, private/corporate institutions, and school systems.