In addition to the all-in-one VR gaming headset, Oculus has also unveiled Oculus Rift S, its latest PC-powered VR gaming headset. Want to enjoy numerous VR games from Oculus store, Steam and more platforms? Let’s keep checking.
Oculus Rift S is a powerful, fully featured VR gaming headset powered by a Windows 10 computer. As we can see from the images, the solid black exterior and elegant contours deliver a minimalistic modern style. A redesigned halo headband provides a comfortable and secure wearing experience, and it can take-or double take-your fastest reactions.
With improved optics, the VR gaming headset delivers bright, vivid colors and reduces “screen-door” effect. Furthermore, using Oculus Insight, the VR headset is able to translate your movements into VR and provides room-scale tracking without needing external sensors.
Moreover, two touch controllers allow you to interact with characters and items in virtual reality world with intuitive, realistic precision. Using a Mini DisplayPort to DisplayPort adapter and a 5-meter cable, you can easily connect Oculus Rift S to your computer.
Oculus Rift S PC-powered VR gaming headset is priced at $399 USD. If you’re interested, jump to the product page for its more details.