Close up of purple and white hibiscus flowers.


If you’re looking for a beautiful, eye-catching addition to your garden that will bring summer vibes all year round, look no further than the colorful hibiscus! Low maintenance and relatively easy to care for – if you follow the right guidelines – this iconic tropical plant is sure to add beauty and charm wherever it’s placed. From vibrant blossoms of pink, red and orange to delicate evergreen foliage you’ll have the opportunity to create an amazing display in your home or outdoor space with these stunning blooms!

In the guides below, we provide answers to common questions about growing healthy hibiscus plants and species and cultivar selection advice. You can be on your way towards having a lush paradise in no time!

How to Propagate Hibiscus

A close up horizontal image of a bright red tropical hibiscus flower pictured in light sunshine on a soft focus background.

Hibiscus shrubs are gorgeous ornamentals that add brightly colored blooms throughout the summer months. Whether you are growing rose of Sharon, hardy, or tropical varieties, they are easy to propagate via stem cuttings, air layering, and sowing seeds. Learn how to propagate hibiscus plants in this guide. Read more now.

11 Reasons (and Solutions!) for Yellow Hibiscus Leaves

A horizontal close up of a hibiscus shrub with pale pinkish-purple blooms and also a few yellowed leaves.

If you’re growing hibiscus and the leaves start to turn yellow, it’s a sign that something is wrong. It could be the result of under- or overwatering, fertilizer issues, temperature extremes, or a disease. Learn about 11 common reasons why your hibiscus plant has yellow leaves and what to do about it in this guide.

How to Grow Tropical Hibiscus in Containers

A close up horizontal image of three red tropical hibiscus flowers growing in a container.

Beautiful ornamental shrubs with showy flowers and evergreen foliage, frost-tender hibiscuses add tropical appeal throughout the garden. And they make excellent potted plants as well, so they can be conveniently overwintered indoors in chilly regions. Here’s all the info on how to grow tropical hibiscus in containers.

How to Grow and Care for Hardy Hibiscus Flowers

A close up of a bright red H. moscheutos flower growing in the garden surrounded by foliage on a soft focus background.

The vibrant funnel-shaped flowers of hibiscus and their long stamens are iconic symbols of beauty – but did you know hardy varieties can grow in cold climates too? Thanks to the work of breeders, many sizes and colors are now available. We’ll explain how to grow them, with tips to bring out their best blooms.

How to Grow and Care for Rose of Sharon

A close up horizontal image of two pink and red rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) flowers growing in the garden pictured on a soft focus background.

A temperate climate hibiscus that grows well in cold areas, the stunning, elegant, easy to grow, and adaptable rose of Sharon deserves a place in your garden. Ranging from three to 16 feet tall with white, purple, pink, or red flowers, there’s an ideal cultivar for every situation. Learn how to grow Hibiscus syriacus now.

How to Overwinter Tropical Hibiscus Indoors

A close up horizontal image of red tropical hibiscus flowers growing in the garden.

Looking for something colorful to add to your northern garden? It’s possible to grow tropical hibiscus year-round, even in cold climates! Keeping your hibiscus alive through the winter is easy as long as you know what to do. Read on to learn how to overwinter hibiscus indoors for beautiful blooms all winter long.

How to Identify and Control Caterpillars on Tropical Hibiscus

A close up horizontal image of a bright pink tropical hibiscus (H. rosa-sinensis) flower pictured on a soft focus background.

Tropical hibiscuses are gorgeous, but these plants can be targets for a variety of pests – like caterpillars and other larvae. A few of these can dole out venom with a sting to warn you to stay away! Learn how to identify and control caterpillars on your tropical hibiscus plants in this guide. Read more now.

How to Grow and Care for Tropical Hibiscus

A close up horizontal image of a cat sniffing a tropical hibiscus plant that is growing in a raised bed garden.

In many hot, humid climates, fancy tropical hibiscus has become a symbol of the local culture. Incorporating one of these stunning plants into your landscape may make you feel like you’re on island time, and the good news is, they’re not difficult to grow and care for. We’ll cover everything you need to know.

37 of the Best Hibiscus Varieties

A close up portrait of an orange hibiscus flower with characteristic staminal column on a dark soft focus background.

There’s nothing quite like hibiscus to enchant your summer garden. With huge blooms and a vivid color palette to suit every garden style, we take an in-depth look at cultivars of both the hardy, perennial types as well as the tender tropical lovelies. Learn about 37 of our favorite hibiscus varieties. Read more now.