The basics behind the Petzl GriGri, one of climbing’s most popular belay devices.
While old-school devices such as the figure eight and ATC still have their place in the climbing world, the GriGri reigns supreme.
Since Petzl’s first generation of the GriGri was released in 1991, climbers have cherished its versatility and assisted braking ability. In some parts of the world, GriGris are so popular that all belay devices are called “GriGris.”
While the GriGri was among the first assisted braking belay devices on the climbing market, it now competes with a host of other devices made by various brands. To be clear, Petzl manufactures the only true GriGri — and that’s the product we are focusing on in this guide.
Though this guide has a wealth of information on GriGris, it is not a comprehensive instruction manual. Using a GriGri safely requires in-person instruction from a qualified source and lots of hands-on practice.
Editor’s note: Rock climbing is an inherently dangerous activity. As with any outdoor sport that entails risk, you should start slow and at a level suitable to your experience. Above all, you should go with someone more experienced than you for your own safety.

What Is a GriGri?
The GriGri is an assisted braking belay device manufactured by Petzl. It is primarily used while rock climbing to maintain a safe and effective climbing system.
Since the introduction of the original GriGri, Petzl has released a series of updated models. The GriGri 2 came out in 2011, followed by the GriGri+ in 2017, and the GriGri in 2019. Each model is slightly different, though they all primarily function in the same way.
For users, it is important to note each GriGri model is only compatible with a specific range of rope diameters. The newest model can accommodate single dynamic ropes between 8.5 and 11 mm.
How Does the GriGri Work?
Like all belay devices, the Grigri is used with climbing harnesses and climbing ropes to create a safe and efficient climbing system. Of course, when lead climbing or top-roping, the belayer must property load the climbing rope through the GriGri before anyone leaves the ground.
Once the rope is loaded into the GriGri, the device is attached to the belayer’s harness with a locking climbing carabiner. This system allows the belayer to serve as an anchor for the climber. Should the climber fall, the belayer’s weight creates tension in the rope and limits the fall distance in a controlled manner.
The GriGri allows the belayer to manage the system while the climber makes upward progress. The rope can move in both directions through a GriGri. A good belayer uses the device to maintain an appropriate amount of slack in the system.
What Is Assisted Braking?
The GriGri is an assisted braking device or ABD. In today’s climbing scene, ABDs are the go-to for most climbers. Many climbing gyms require visitors to use ABDs while belaying.
An ABD assists the belayer in catching a climbing fall. GriGris have an internal cam that rotates and pinches the climbing rope whenever the rope moves quickly through the device. This pinching action helps the belayer catch a fall safely.
Many climbers mistake the term “assisted braking” with “automatic braking.” The GriGri is not an automatic braking device. Like nonassisted braking devices, users must always keep a hand on the braking stand of the rope while using a GriGri, per Petzl’s specifications.

How to Use a GriGri