Any move requires a lot of work. Our move is a little different in that we can only move a little bit of our stuff - the rest has to go. Jim and I struggled to remember exactly how we did this 22 years ago when we moved into a motorhome to live on the road. Well, first we put the motorhome in the driveway and we filled it with everything we needed to live with, then everything else had to go. But, there was stuff we just couldn't part with (like photo albums), so we got a storage unit. 14 years later, we had to deal with all the stuff in storage - tossing most of it! But, I still have those photo albums. This time they have to go. I've already scanned most of them, I'll scan the rest and toss them.
So, to follow the same procedure, first we need to gather everything we want on the ship. To do that we boxed stuff up and delivered it to the Villa Vie location in Pembroke Pines. They will ship the boxes to the ship and they'll be in our room waiting when we arrive.
We've done that twice, 5-6 boxes each time. Things like winter clothes, our favorite photos and artwork for the walls, dive gear, a small computer desk purchased from Amazon, one of our larger computer monitors, and some of Jim's tripods and lights for YouTube stuff. I'm thinking our room will already be full when we first open the door! We may have to get rid of some stuff again! There is talk of making some storage areas available on the 2d or 3d deck, but right now there is nothing. If they do make storage area, I assume there will be a fee and I don't want to do that. So, we'll figure it out when we get there.
We will still be taking a few suitcases as well. All the stuff that we are still living with. It took a bit of work to go thru all my jewelry - nothing real special here, but it's stuff I wear and want to keep. I found a jewelry storage system on Amazon that looked pretty good and went to work filling it up.
Then, I still gave a lot of it to a friend, Marie R., whose church is having a garage sale/fundraiser. She came over and picked up several boxes we made up for her, including a set of dishes, lots of crystal-ware, all the books we had, some kitchen appliances and other stuff I don't remember.
Our original plan had been to hire an estate sale agent. She would come over and arrange stuff, promote the estate sale to her contacts, sell all the stuff she could, then clean out the rest. Sounded great! But, the more we spoke with her and made arrangements, the more I understood why it's called an "Estate" sale. The homeowners are usually gone. And, it's usually a larger house with more stuff. She told us it was borderline that we had enough stuff to sell, and it may just turn into a 'cleanout' where she gets rid of stuff. Meanwhile, we'd be living here. It became clear that it would be better for us to get rid of stuff as we go. We put the kayaks on Facebook Marketplace, but didn't get any bites. We decided that we didn't need any money from the stuff, lets just give it away. Even that isn't easy! Devon put the word out to his friends and found a taker for the kayaks. I did have interest in my adjustable computer desk. When I put it on the Next Door items for sale/free, I had over a dozen interested parties within the first hour!
Within a day a lovely young woman came and took it away, saying her son was going to love it. Great. We're on a roll now!
Then there's bulk trash! A big wall unit needed to go. It had a couple legs falling off and other problems so we didn't think it was worth giving away. Jim and Devon moved it, tore it apart and hauled it out to our community bulk trash enclosure.
Wow, it's starting to get empty in here. We did an extra cleanup this morning to make way for the photographer from the real estate company to come over. It's starting to feel real now!
That was a lot of work! After the photographer left, we had a well-deserved soak in the hot tub.
Here's the listing for the house in case you're interested 😊