Commodore 64
The Commodore 64 was a next generation home computer. It featured a real keyboard and 64K of internal memory!
Of course, also on this computer we dove “under the hood” and programmed it in it’s native language, Books were available like the “Commodore 64 Programmer’s Reference Guide” and the (Dutch) “Pocket book 6502“, that taught us all we wanted and needed to know about the 6502 assembly language.
The Commodore 64 could be expanded with proper peripherals like a floppy disk drive (1541) and a (cassette) tape-drive. Compared to present hardware these were terribly slow, but hey, we were amazed!
Tape drive
The tape-drive could save our programs on audio cassettes; they were all around in those days.
Oh, they made for cheap storage, but the load times were slow…
Disk drive
The disk drive used 5¼ inch floppy disks. Again, compared to present day solutions a terrible medium, but let me assure you, they were much, much faster than the cassette tapes…