Hi, this is an enlarged detail pic taken this last Easter at my apartment. The camera was one of those Kodak throwaways with a flash. I had never seen or heard of such images before I saw that pic. Anyways, since then I always scrutinize any shots I take looking for orbs, ecto or whatnot. What caught my eye in this one was what looks like a small screaming face in the window between the lampshade reflections. Reminds me of Edvard Munch’s “The Scream”. Looks like he was angry at not being allowed in!
The funny thing is, we had previously been burning church incense right under the image. You can see the brass burner on the windowsill. It wasn’t still smoking at this point. May be nothing, but he sure looks like an evil little imp! or it maybe any alien. Thanks for your consideration in posting this.
Submitted by: AndrewThe funny thing is, we had previously been burning church incense right under the image. You can see the brass burner on the windowsill. It wasn’t still smoking at this point. May be nothing, but he sure looks like an evil little imp! or it maybe any alien. Thanks for your consideration in posting this.

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