Search-based code navigation for Rust projects

GitHub's code navigation features jump to definition and find all references are now available for all Rust projects on GitHub.

When you view an Rust file on, you can click on the name of a function, module, or macro to see its definition and its references within that repository. We use the tree-sitter library to find definitions and call sites in your code.

Learn more about code navigation for Rust and other languages in the GitHub documentation: Navigating code on GitHub.

Also, check out the tree-sitter library to learn how support for different languages is implemented.

Cross-repo code navigation is now available for all Python repositories. When showing the definition of a function or method, we now include definitions from other repositories, and from the Python standard library.

Cross-repo code navigation is powered by the stack graphs framework and by the Dependency Graph. You can read about how we use stack graphs for code navigation and visit the stack-graphs repo to learn more. You can also read more about code navigation for Python and other languages in our documentation.

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The npm CLI v9 is now generally available! As of today, running npm i -g npm will install the latest version (v9.1.1). Details on the major breaking changes, features and bug fixes of v9 can be found in our last changelog post.

A huge shout out to all of the contributors who helped make this release possible and who continue to make npm awesome.

Learn more about v9.1.1 in the release notes. You can also find references to previous releases in the project's

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