Security overview dashboard: Alert age trends, custom repository and severity filters, and date pickers

Starting today, you can take advantage of the new “age” grouping for the alert trends graph and explore enhanced filter options on the security overview dashboard, aimed at improving your analytical process and security management.

alert trends grouped by age

Explore the dynamics of your security alerts with the new alert age grouping on the alert trends graph. This new functionality offers a refined view into the lifecycle of your security alerts, enabling you to better evaluate the timeliness and effectiveness of your response strategies.

New filter options

repository custom property filter on the security overview page

Leverage enhanced filters to fine-tune your security insights on the overview dashboard:
* Custom repository property filters: With repository custom properties, you can now tag your repositories with descriptive metadata, aiding in efficient organization and analysis across security overview.
* Severity filters: Severity-based filters allow you to concentrate on the vulnerabilities that matter most, streamlining the process of security risk assessment and prioritization.
* Improved date picker controls: Navigate through time with ease using the new date picker options, allowing for quick selection of rolling periods like “Last 14 days,” “Last 30 days,” or “Last 90 days.” Bookmark your preferred time window to keep your analysis current with each visit.

You can access these new functionalities in security overview by navigating to the “Security” tab at the organization level.

These features are now available as a public beta on GitHub Enterprise Cloud and will be available in GitHub Enterprise Server 3.13.

Learn more about security overview and send us your feedback

SSH CAs uploaded to after March 27th, or in GHES 3.13 and beyond, can only sign certificates that expire. They must expire within 366 days of being created.
While expirations on certificates are not required by signing tools such as ssh-keygen, we are enforcing this best practice in order to protect against a weakness in how SSH certificates are linked to users.

CAs uploaded before the cutoff date or release will be marked in the UI as being allowed to sign non-expiring certificates:


An “upgrade” option on the CA lets you enforce expiration of signed certificates. Once you’ve validated that you are indeed using a lifetime on your certificates, we recommend upgrading your CAs. This upgrade step is irreversible, and new CAs cannot be downgraded to allow non-expiring certificates.
If a certificate is signed with no expiration, or a too-long expiration, it will be rejected during SSH connection with an error indicating The SSH certificate used was issued for a longer period than allowed.

This change forces the valid_after issuance timestamp to be written to the certificate, which allows GitHub to detect if the user changed their username after the certificate was issued for that username. This prevents a reuse attack vector where the former holder of a username is able to use certificates issued to them to sign in as the new holder of that username.

To learn more about managing SSH CAs, see “Managing your organization’s SSH CAs” and “Managing SSH CAs for your enterprise.” For information on using SSH CAs, see “About SSH CAs.”

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Dependabot will now fail gracefully with informative error messages when an unsupported NuGet project type is encountered. If you were using an unsupported project type previously, Dependabot might have failed silently without producing updates. Dependabot is able to process updates to NuGet project files in the .csproj, .vbproj, and .fsproj formats.

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