Actions Usage Metrics is generally available

Actions Usage Metrics is now generally available for all GitHub Enterprise Cloud customers. Actions Usage Metrics enables you to view data about your Actions workflow runs throughout your organization. You can use this data to identify opportunities to optimize your pipelines and reduce wasted runtime minutes which, when addressed, can lead to faster runs and increased developer productivity. Actions Usage Metrics breaks down the utilization of workflows, jobs, source repositories, and operating systems for GitHub hosted runners and self-hosted runners. All of this data is available in the UI and can be exported and shared as a .csv file if you wish to integrate your usage data with internal or third party tools.

Actions Usage Metrics screen shot!

To learn more about Actions Usage Metrics, check out our docs or head to our community discussion to ask questions and provide feedback.

The enum field indicating a ‘detached’ status will be deprecated from the ‘Get repositories associated with a code security configuration’ endpoint.

The endpoint itself will remain.

We will replace the ‘detached’ status with a ‘removed’ status. We will also add an additional status of ‘removed_by_enterprise’ to indicate situations where enterprise level settings changes have caused an organization-level code security configuration to be removed from a repository.

This change ensures that the code security configurations API is more inline with the status filters in the UI.

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Today, we’re releasing a beta version of an open source GitHub App that manages private mirrors of public upstream repositories. The Private Mirrors App (PMA) enables organizations with regulatory or policy code review requirements to conduct their reviews in private, before contributing changes upstream. The app manages the lifecycle and synchronization of these private mirrors and automatically configures rulesets to manage PRs made to the mirrors.

The main benefits of working on private mirrors through PMA are:

  • Branch protection rules can enforce PR reviews by people on particular teams to ensure proper signoffs
  • If commits include code/keys/docs that should not be made public, there’s the opportunity to remove them and squash merge without leaking history
  • Initial development can happen inside an Enterprise Managed Users (EMU) organization, whose users ordinarily can’t interact with public GitHub repos. Once the app syncs a change, the public fork and upstream PR use normal identities.

If this is interesting to you, check out the Private Mirrors App repo. If you’ve got questions or feedback, feel free to file an issue in the repostitory or join the conversation in the GitHub Community Discussions.

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