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GitHub Copilot Chat in GitHub Mobile and Copilot Extension for the GitHub CLI are now available for free

GitHub Copilot Chat in GitHub Mobile and Copilot Extension for the GitHub CLI are now available for free!

GitHub Copilot Chat on GitHub Mobile

Whether you’re tackling coding questions, brainstorming ideas, or working on the go, GitHub Copilot Chat is here to make collaboration faster and easier, no matter where you are.

On mobile, simply sign in with your personal GitHub account and tap the Copilot button to access 2,000 code completions and 50 chat messages per month! If you reach your quota, you can upgrade through an in-app purchase to enjoy unlimited access.

Download or update GitHub Mobile apps today from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to experience the AI coding assistance right at your fingertips.

GitHub Copilot Extension on GitHub CLI

In the GitHub CLI, install the gh-copilot extension to access gh copilot explain and gh copilot suggest. If you reach your quota, you can upgrade on the web.

Download the GitHub CLI and the GitHub Copilot Extension directly from your terminal to experience AI assistance in explaining and suggesting gh, git, and other terminal commands without leaving your shell.

Learn more about GitHub Copilot Chat in GitHub Mobile, GitHub Copilot in the CLI, Copilot Free and share your feedback.

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Bring your GitHub contributions to life with the new GitHub Skyline CLI extension – visualize, customize, and 3D print your journey in open source, all from the command line!

🛠️ Features

  • Binary STL generation: Turn your contribution data into 3D-printed works of art.
  • Customizable year selection: Show off a single year or flex with multi-year masterpieces.
  • Automatic authentication: Uses your GitHub credentials or specify another user.
  • ASCII art previews: See your contribution skyline before it’s immortalized IRL.

💻 Quick Start

If you already have GitHub CLI installed, installation is as easy as:

gh extension install github/gh-skyline

Generate a skyline:

gh skyline --year 2024

Generate a skyline for a specific user and year range:

gh skyline –-user chrisreddington --year 2014-2024

Start printing your GitHub journey in 3D glory. Your desk, your shelf, and your ego will thank you 😎


An example of a 3D Printed GitHub Skyline


🌟 Did you know: If you don’t have a 3D printer, you can upload STL files to GitHub and see them rendered directly in your browser:

Share your virtual | IRL skylines with #GitHubSkyline on social or in the community discussion – we can’t wait to see your creations!

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The GPG key used to verify GitHub CLI Debian and RedHat packages expired on Friday, September 6. If you have installed gh via our official package repositories, we ask that you update your keyring to the new key to continue verifying GitHub CLI releases.

Please refer to this documentation for instructions on how to do so with your respective package manager.

For reference, a note on this was also included in the CLI v2.56.0 release notes, published earlier this week.

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GitHub Copilot in the CLI banner demonstrating "ghcs" alias for supporting command execution

GitHub Copilot in the CLI is now generally available

We are excited to announce Copilot in the CLI is now generally available (GA) for all our Copilot Individual, Business, and Enterprise customers.

Copilot in the CLI allows users to access the power of GitHub Copilot to get command suggestions and explanations without leaving the terminal. Starting today, developers can also use GitHub Copilot to execute suggested commands based on feedback shared during the public beta.

GitHub Copilot in the CLI has also gained a couple of helper aliases for Bash, PowerShell, and Zsh. The new gh copilot alias command generates shell-specific configuration for ghcs and ghce aliases. These aliases use fewer keystrokes to jump into the gh copilot experience. Additionally, the new ghcs alias streamlines the process for executing commands suggested while making them available for later reuse!

How to get started?

If you were already using Public Beta:

  • Update the extension to v1.0.0 by running gh extension upgrade gh-copilot.

If you haven’t enabled Copilot in the CLI yet or coming from the GitHub Next technical preview

  • Copilot Individual users: You automatically have access to the Copilot in the CLI.
  • Copilot Business and Enterprise users: Your organization admins will need to grant you access to Copilot in the CLI.

After receiving access to Copilot in the CLI, consult our guide on how to install the tool and get started.

How to give us your feedback?

We are dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation. Your feedback remains a crucial part of our development process, and we look forward to hearing more about your experiences with GitHub Copilot in the CLI. Please use our public repository to provide feedback or ideas on how to improve the product.

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Introducing support for multiple GitHub accounts on a single host within the CLI! Log in with your work and personal accounts to manage your projects, wherever they're happening.

To add multiple accounts in the CLI, use the gh auth login command just as before. Now, instead of replacing your previous account, you will see the addition of a new account under gh auth status. This account will be marked as active, to indicate that gh will use it when communicating with GitHub. Run gh auth switch to change the active account, or gh auth logout to remove an account. Further details can be found in the v2.40.0 release notes.

Install or update the GitHub CLI today from your preferred source.

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copilot in the cli banner image

Learn your way around the command line with GitHub Copilot by your side!

We’re excited to announce the launch of a brand new GitHub CLI extension that’s now available as public beta — GitHub Copilot in the CLI.

GitHub Copilot in the CLI brings GitHub Copilot right to your terminal, where you can ask it to do things like explain how a command works or suggest a command for a task you want to perform. Learn more about the extension in our docs and provide us your feedback on our repo.

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GitHub Actions Importer now supports migrations from Bitbucket, Bamboo Server, and Bamboo Data Center. Companies using those tools can plan, test, and automate the migration of pipelines to GitHub Actions more easily than ever before.

GitHub Actions Importer is available via the GitHub CLI or IssueOps. To get started, please visit our docs. For questions and feedback, check out the GitHub Actions Importer community.

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Support for migrating Jenkins Scripted Pipelines to GitHub Actions is now available as a private beta! If you use Scripted Pipelines in your Jenkins instances, you can now automate the migration of your pipelines to GitHub Actions using GitHub Actions Importer.

To get started, please reach out to your GitHub account manager or contact our sales team! For questions and feedback about the private beta, please visit the GitHub Actions Importer community.

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Bamboo Server and Data Center migrations to GitHub Actions are now in public beta! You can now plan, test, and automate the migration of your Bamboo pipelines to GitHub Actions easily and for free using GitHub Actions Importer.

For details on how to get started, check out our documentation. For questions and feedback about the public beta, please visit the GitHub Actions Importer community.

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Caching dependencies and other commonly reused files enables developers to speed up their GitHub Actions workflows and make them more efficient.
We have now enabled Cache Management from the web interface to enable developers to get more transparency and control over their cache usage within their GitHub repositories.

Actions users who use actions/cache can now:

  • View a list of all cache entries for a repository.
  • Filter and sort the list of caches using specific metadata such as cache size, creation time, or last accessed time.
  • Delete a corrupt or a stale cache entry
  • Monitor aggregate cache usage for repositories and organizations.

In addition to the Cache Management UX that we have now enabled, you could also use our Cache APIs or install the GitHub CLI extension for Actions cache to manage your caches from your terminal.

Learn more about dependency caching to speed up your Actions workflows.
For questions or to share your feedback, visit the GitHub Actions community.

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Today's Changelog brings you roadmap markers and command line support for Projects!

📍 Markers on roadmaps

Keep track of upcoming dates in your roadmap by visualizing the due dates of your milestones, iteration durations and breaks, and additional date fields as vertical markers. Configure these from the Markers menu to display them on the view.

💻 Manage projects from the command line

Interact with projects, items, and fields from your favorite terminal with the GitHub CLI projects extension.

To install the extension in gh:

$ gh extension install github/gh-projects


$ gh projects -h
Work with GitHub Projects. Note that the token you are using must have 'project' scope, which is not set by default. You can verify your token scope by running 'gh auth status' and add the project scope by running 'gh auth refresh -s project'.

  projects [command]

Available Commands:
  close        Close a project
  copy         Copy a project
  create       Create a project
  delete       Delete a project
  edit         Edit a project
  field-create Create a field in a project
  field-delete Delete a field in a project
  field-list   List the fields in a project
  help         Help about any command
  item-add     Add a pull request or an issue to a project
  item-archive Archive an item in a project
  item-create  Create a draft issue item in a project
  item-delete  Delete an item from a project
  item-edit    Edit a draft issue in a project
  item-list    List the items in a project
  list         List the projects for a user or organization
  view         View a project

  -h, --help   help for projects

Use "projects [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Share your feedback in the repository.

Learn more about extensions (and how to build your own!) in this GitHub blog.

✨ Bug fixes and improvements

  • Implemented auto-scrolling in a board column when reordering items
  • Fixed a bug where an existing workflow couldn't be renamed
  • Fixed a clipped tooltip for the top item in a roadmap view
  • Fixed a bug where an auto-add workflow with / in the name couldn't be duplicated (Enterprise users only)
  • Added a confirmation dialog when deleting an additional auto-add workflow (Enterprise users only)

See how to use GitHub for project planning with GitHub Issues, check out what's on the roadmap, and learn more in the docs.

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GitHub Actions Importer is now generally available to all GitHub users. You can now easily plan, forecast, and automate migrations from Azure DevOps, CircleCI, GitLab, Jenkins, and Travis CI to GitHub Actions. GitHub Actions Importer is a free extension of the official GitHub CLI and provides you with the confidence to migrate your CI/CD pipelines to continue delivering software efficiently.


For details on how to get started, please check out our documentation. For questions and feedback, visit the GitHub Actions Importer community.

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GitHub Security was recently notified about a caching issue affecting npm. This bug had been present since 2016 and sporadically caused npm maintainers to be re-invited upon removal from packages or organizations. Our Security team investigated potential instances of the issue and believe this bug only occurred if a user was removed, followed shortly by the addition of a different member. This bug affected npm-cli version 6 and above, and was fixed in version 7+.

Out of an abundance of caution, we are recommending all npm users review the maintainers of their projects and organizations for any discrepancies that may be a result of this bug and remove any unexpected members. Please feel free to reach out to us with any additional questions or concerns through the following contact form:

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The npm CLI v9 is now generally available! As of today, running npm i -g npm will install the latest version (v9.1.1). Details on the major breaking changes, features and bug fixes of v9 can be found in our last changelog post.

A huge shout out to all of the contributors who helped make this release possible and who continue to make npm awesome.

Learn more about v9.1.1 in the release notes. You can also find references to previous releases in the project's

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