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Starting on 1 October 2024, we will begin collecting Japanese Consumption Tax (JCT) from self-serve customers in Japan who pay with a credit card or a PayPal account to comply with Japan Tax Regulations. If you are a self-serve paying customer in Japan, there will be updates to your invoice that show GitHub Inc.’s Registration Number (T4700150079306), and the 10% consumption tax amount in USD and JPY.

Starting August 19th, 2024, we will begin collecting state-mandated sales tax, where and when applicable, from paying customers in the United States to align GitHub with industry standard regulatory practices. All United States customers are required to update payment information (specifically your address) to ensure the correct sales tax amount is assessed. If you are a paying customer, there will be a tax line on your receipt that provides a breakdown of the applicable taxes for the GitHub products and services you have purchased.

As of today, you will have the ability to make updates on the Payment Information page. Please update your address and provide the following information if applicable:

  • We have updated the address collection fields to require:
    • Street Address
    • City
    • Zip Code +4 (5-digit ZIP required, +4 as optional)
  • If you qualify for an exemption or as a tax-exempt entity, you MUST submit an applicable and fully completed sales tax exemption certificate for review and approval on the Payment Information page.

You will have until August 19, 2024 to make these changes. Failure to do so may result in a disruption of service.

To learn more about how to make updates to your payment information, please click here to view a step by step guide. For more information on how to submit a sales tax exemption certificate, please click here.

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