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File metadata and controls

143 lines (100 loc) · 3.68 KB



The Swift implementation for Fugle Realtime API client.

  • Websocket API
  • Async/Await support


Add fugle-realtime-swift as a dependency for your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.1.1"))

Add dependency for you target in Package.swift:

dependencies: [
 .product(name: "FugleRealtime", package: "fugle-realtime-swift")

Quick demo

Query Intraday meta data by symbol 2884 via HTTP:

import FugleRealtime

do {
    if let result = try await client.getIntraday(MetaData.self, symbol: "2884") {
        print("\(result.toJSONString(prettyPrint: true) ?? "")")

        if let metaData = result.meta {
            print("name: \(metaData.nameZhTw ?? "")")
            print("priceReference: \(metaData.priceReference?.stringValue ?? "")")
            /// will print:
            /// name: 玉山金
            /// priceReference: 29.6

} catch {}

Subscribe Intraday quote data by symbol 2884 realtime via Websocket:

import FugleRealtime

var promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?

// Prepare your callback function for quote data
let quoteDataCallback: ((Result<QuoteData, ClientError>) -> Void) = {
    switch $0 {
    case .success(let result):
        print("\(result.quote?.priceAvg?.price?.stringValue ?? ""), \(result.quote?.priceAvg?.at ?? "")")
    case .failure(let failures):

// connect and subscribe intraday websocket endpoint
do {
    promise = try await client.streamIntraday(QuoteData.self, symbol: "2884", callback: quoteDataCallback)
    try promise?.futureResult.wait()
} catch {


Pass your API token to FugleClient:

let token = "demo"
let client = FugleClient = FugleClient.initWithApiToken(demo)

Or you can put .env file into working folder that contains the following enviroment variables declaration:


Now your could use FugleClient directly without passing token parameter:

let client = FugleClient.shared

Calling intraday resource via HTTP endpoint, just pass the Mapped data class to getIntraday() function:

let response: MetaData? = try await client.getIntraday(MetaData.self, symbol: "2884")

If you would like to get dealts data with paging via HTTP endpoint, you can call getIntradayDealts() function:

let response: DealtsData? = try await client.getIntradayDealts(symbol: "2884", pagingLimit: 10)

Intraday Resource:

Type Mapped Data Class
Meta MataData
Quote QuoteData
Chart ChartData
Dealts DealtsData
Volumes VolumesData

For historical stock data, just call getMarketData() function:

let response: CandleData? = try await client.getMarketData(symbol: "2884", from: "2022-04-25", to: "2022-04-29")

Marketdata Resource:

Type Mapped Data Class
Candles CandleData

Bug Report

If you hit any issues while using this SDK, please bug reports on GitHub issue.