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Testing Governator With Spock


  • Annotate your test with @ModulesForTesting to specify which Guice modules should be included when building your Injector.
  • @Inject dependencies directly into your Specification class.
  • Annotate dependencies with @ReplaceWithMock to add an override binding for that dependency's type to a Spock Mock implementation.
  • Annotate dependencies with @WrapWithSpy to wrap any binding with a Spock Spy.
  • Annotate parent classes, test classes, and/or test methods with @TestPropertyOverride to set Archaius2 property overrides for your Injector (Note: You must include ArchaiusModule yourself in @ModulesForTesting to use this feature.)


Add the following to your build.gradle

testCompile ''

Note: This framework requires at least Spock 1.1 to properly function!


@ModulesForTesting({ MyModule.class, ArchaiusModule.class })    //Specify any Modules you wish to include in your test
public class ExampleTest extends Specification {
    @ReplaceWithMock                                            //Indicate that you wish this dependency to be Mocked
    SomeDependency dependency  
    @WrapWithSpy                                                //Indicate that you wish to wrap this dependency with a Spy
    SomeRealDependency realDependency                      
    def setup() {
        dependency.getValue() >> "Test"                         //Specify desired behavior for your Mock
    def "Test a basic Mock"() {
        dependency.value == "Test"                              //Verify behavior of your Mock
    def "Test Spying an object and checking what was called" {
        1 * realDependency.getValue()                           //Verify that the getValue method was invoked once
    Config config
    @TestPropertyOverride({"myProperty=test"})                  //Specify property values you wish to be set
    def "Test Config Overrides"() {
        config.getString("myProperty") == "test"                //Verify that your property was set as expected
    @TestPropertyOverride(propertyFiles={""}) //Properties may also be loaded from a file
    public void testConfigFromFile() {
        config.getString("myProperty") == "test"                //Verify that your property was set as expected

Controlling Injector Creation

You may choose whether the Injector will be created once per test class or once per test method by setting the injectorCreation attribute of @ModulesForTesting. By default, the injector is created once per test class. This should only be modified if the state of your injector bound objects are mutable in some way and that state has been modified by one of your tests.

//Injector created once per test class
public class ExampleTest extends Specification {
//Injector created once per test method
public class ExampleTest extends Specification {