- Unity 引擎资源管理代码分析(1)
- Unity 引擎资源管理代码分析(2)
- Unity 引擎资源管理代码分析(3)
- [U3D]StreamedBinaryRead::TransferSTLStyleArray崩溃分析
- [U3D] GetPreloadData 崩溃分析
- Unity3D 秘籍之 开启编辑器隐藏功能
- [U3D]TextureStreamingJob 崩溃分析一则
- Unity技术开放日 | 绝对干货 - 揭秘Unity的黑盒世界,“ShaderLab”底层原理浅谈
- Unity技术开放日 | 绝对干货 - 揭秘Unity的黑盒世界,原生对象和托管对象浅谈
- 【Unity笔记】ShaderLab与其底层原理浅谈
- 【笔记】Unity内存分配和回收的底层原理
- 【Unity】Asset简介
- Unity如何把一个对象从内存序列化到磁盘
- 深入剖析 Unity 协程的实现原理
- Unity AssetBundle文件格式解析
- Alan Liu's Blog
- Asset Bundle 格式简析
- 研究快速修改Unity构建包内的资源文件
- Unity Asset Bundles tips and pitfalls
- Unity Asset Bundles,不可不知的使用技巧和误区
- NVIDIA PhysX SDK 5.0
- NVIDIA PhysX SDK 3.4
- Bullet Physics SDK
- A cross-platform, realtime physics engine for all .NET app
- 3DLineDetection
- ZEn NOde system - a simulation & rendering engine in nodes
- Voxel-based fluid simulation engine for computer games
- Bounce is a 3D physics engine for games
- JoltPhysics-A multi core friendly rigid body physics and collision detection library suitable for games and VR applications
- JoltPhysicsSharp-JoltPhysics C# bindings
- A small 2D physics engine
- deterministic_physics 能为3D帧同步游戏提供一致性、确定性的物理引擎
- FLAT- A 2D rigid body physics engine
- reactphysics3d-Open source C++ physics engine library in 3D
- Chipmunk2D-A fast and lightweight 2D game physics library
- miniphysics-Single file collision detection and dynamics library
- ImpulseEngine-Simple, open source, 2D impulse based physics engine for educational use
- chrono-High-performance C++ library for multiphysics and multibody dynamics simulations
- mujoco-Multi-Joint dynamics with Contact. A general purpose physics simulator
- box2d-netstandard
- bepuphysics2 - Pure C# 3D real time physics simulation library, now with a higher version number
- The Open Dynamics Engine (ODE)
- IrrPAL - repository for Irrlicht and PAL physics integration
- manifold - Geometry library for topological robustness
- QuarkPhysics
- havok-2013
- 现代渲染引擎开发-Modern Graphic API
- Filament is a real-time physically based rendering engine for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, macOS, and WebGL2
- Real-Time Rendering Framework
- 3D engine focusing on modern rendering
- The Forge Cross-Platform Rendering Framework PC Windows, Linux, Ray Tracing, macOS / iOS, Android, XBOX, PS4, PS5, Switch, Quest 2
- tinyrenderer
- ShaderLab
- OpenGL Mathematics (GLM)
- DXE-A voxel cone traced realtime Global Illumination rendering engine in dx12, wip
- MathGeoLib-A C++ library for linear algebra and geometry manipulation for computer graphics
- FidelityFX-FSR2 FidelityFX Super Resolution 2
- LunaSDK-++ software development framework for real-time rendering applications
- 3d-game-shaders-for-beginners
- embree
- openmoonray
- renderer-A shader-based software renderer written from scratch in C89
- geometry-central(Applied 3D geometry in C++, with a focus on surface meshes)
- magnum-Lightweight and modular C++11 graphics middleware
- nanovg - Antialiased 2D vector drawing library on top of OpenGL for UI and visualizations
- SRender
- igl - intermediate Graphics Library
- smaa-cpp
- Candela - Pathtraced Realtime Engine
- skia Skia is a complete 2D graphic library for drawing Text, Geometries, and Images
- Game Engines with Source: Learning from the best
- WickedEngine
- OpenGraphic - Graphic Engine & Game Engine lists
- Game engine created using OpenGL and C++
- Flax Engine – multi-platform 3D game engine
- Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
- Piccolo – mini game engine for games104
- Cross mobile platform 2D&3D C++ game engine
- Esoterica Engine
- FluxEngine
- Iris is a cross-platform game engine written in modern C++
- C++20 framework for creative coding 🎮🎨🎹 / Cross-platform support (Windows, macOS, Linux, and the Web)
- Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) Version 2.0
- SakuraEngine 为高性能而生的游戏运行时与工具箱
- Utopia Game Engine 无境游戏引擎
- KlayGE-Cross-platform open source game engine with plugin-based architecture
- urho3d
- defold
- Hazel-Hazel Engine
- turso3d
- U3D-Open-source, cross-platform 2D and 3D game engine built in C++
- halley-A lightweight game engine written in modern C++
- librg-🚀 Making multi-player gamedev simpler since 2017
- zpl-📐 Pushing the boundaries of simplicity
- ogre-scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine (C++, Python, C#, Java)
- AXMOL Engine
- NextEngine
- vulkan-engine
- SpartanEngine - Game engine with an emphasis on architectural quality and performance
- source-engine
- Source Engine Wiki
- Overload - 3D Game engine with editor
- Ursine3D
- crown - The flexible game engine
- BigWorld-Engine-14.4.1
- xray-16
- Irrlicht Demo Repository
- Luna Game Engine
- LunaLibs
- Alpha_Engine - Game Engine For Simulation Games
- halflife
- exengine - A C99 3D game engine
- godot-cpp C++ bindings for the Godot script API
- stride - Stride Game Engine (formerly Xenko)
- GameEngineFromScratch
- dragengine
- StarryX - [Early developing] This is another more radical fork of cocos2d-x game engine
- DagorEngine
- The-Forge
- MxEngine - C++ open source 3D game engine
- blade - a cross platform 3d engine using c++98
- Ant game engine
- butano - Modern C++ high level GBA engine
- DiligentEngine
- bgfx