To build the SPA bundle (bundle.web.js
), first get a Javascript development
environment set up. Either follow the top-level README, or something quick
# install nodejs 18 (specifically)
nvm install 18
nvm use 18
npm install --global yarn
# setup tools and deps (in top level of this repo)
yarn install --frozen-lockfile
# run yarn web dev server, if you wanted
yarn web
Then build and copy over the big 'ol bundle.web.js
# in the top level of this repo
yarn build-web
Install golang. We are generally using v1.20+.
In this directory (bskyweb/
# re-build and run daemon
go run ./cmd/bskyweb serve
# build and output a binary
go build -o bskyweb ./cmd/bskyweb/
The easiest way to configure the daemon is to copy example.env
to .env
fill in auth values there.