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将 Flutter module 集成到 Android 项目
集成 Flutter
了解如何将 Flutter module 集成到你现有的 Android 项目中。

Flutter can be embedded into your existing Android application piecemeal, as a source code Gradle subproject or as AARs.

Flutter 可以作为 Gradle 子项目源码或者 AAR 嵌入到现有的 Android 应用程序中。

The integration flow can be done using the Android Studio IDE with the Flutter plugin or manually.

开发者可以使用带有 Flutter 插件 的 Android Studio 或手动完成整个集成流程。


Your existing Android app might support architectures such as mips or x86. Flutter currently only supports building ahead-of-time (AOT) compiled libraries for x86_64, armeabi-v7a, and arm64-v8a.

你目前现有的 Android 项目可能支持 mipsx86 之类的架构, 然而,Flutter 当前仅支持x86_64armeabi-v7aarm64-v8a 构建预编(AOT)的库。

Consider using the abiFilters Android Gradle Plugin API to limit the supported architectures in your APK. Doing this avoids a missing runtime crash, for example:

可以考虑使用 abiFilters 这个 Android Gradle 插件 API 来指定 APK 中支持的架构,从而避免 无法生成而导致应用运行时崩溃, 具体操作如下:

{% tabs "android-build-language" %} {% tab "Kotlin" %}

android {
    defaultConfig {
        ndk {
            // Filter for architectures supported by Flutter
            abiFilters += listOf("armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64")

{% endtab %} {% tab "Groovy" %}

android {
    // ...
    defaultConfig {
        ndk {
            // Filter for architectures supported by Flutter
            abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a", "x86_64"

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

The Flutter engine also has an x86_64 version. When using an emulator in debug Just-In-Time (JIT) mode, the Flutter module still runs correctly.

Flutter 引擎也有一个 x86_64 的版本, 在模拟器以 debug 即时编译 (JIT) 模式运行时, Flutter 模块仍可以正常运行。


Integrate your Flutter module

集成 Flutter 模块

{% tabs %} {% tab "使用 Android Studio" %}

Integrate with Android Studio {:.no_toc}

使用 Android Studio 集成 {:.no_toc}

The Android Studio IDE can help integrate your Flutter module. Using Android Studio, you can edit both your Android and Flutter code in the same IDE.

直接使用 Android Studio 是在现有应用中自动集成 Flutter 模块比较便捷的方法。 在 Android Studio 中,你可以在一个项目中同时编写 Android 代码和 Flutter 代码。

You can also use IntelliJ Flutter plugin functionality like Dart code completion, hot reload, and widget inspector.

你还可以继续使用各种常用的 IntelliJ Flutter 插件功能, 例如 Dart 代码自动补全、热重载和 widget 检查器等。

To build your app, the Android Studio plugin configures your Android project to add your Flutter module as a dependency.

为了构建你的应用, Android Studio 插件会配置你的 Android 项目, 来将 Flutter 模块添加为依赖。

  1. Open your Android project in Android Studio.

    在 Android Studio 中打开你的 Android 项目。

  2. Go to File > New > New Project.... The New Project dialog displays.

    前往 File > New > New Project..., 此时 New Project 弹窗会显示。

  3. Click Flutter.

    选择 Flutter

  4. If asked to provide your Flutter SDK path, do so and click Next.

    填写你的 Flutter SDK path 并点击 Next 继续。

  5. Complete the configuration of your Flutter module.

    完成你的 Flutter 模块配置。

    • If you have an existing project:


      {: type="a"}

      1. To choose an existing project, click ... to the right of the Project location box.

        点击 Project location 右侧的 ... 选择现有的项目。

      2. Navigate to your Flutter project directory.

        前往你的 Flutter 项目的目录所在位置。

      3. Click Open.

        点击 打开

    • If you need to create a new Flutter project:

      如果你需要创建一个新的 Flutter 项目:

      {: type="a"}

      1. Complete the configuration dialog.


      2. In the Project type menu, select Module.

        Project type 菜单中,选择 Module

  6. Click Finish.



By default, your project's Project pane might show the 'Android' view. If you can't see your new Flutter files in the Project pane, set your Project pane to display Project Files. This shows all files without filtering.

默认情况下,项目的 Project 窗口中可能会显示的是 “Android” 视图, 如果在 Project 窗口中看不到新创建的 Flutter 文件, 可以将 Project 窗口设置为显示 Project Files, 这时就会显示所有未过滤的文件。


{% endtab %} {% tab "不使用 Android Studio" %}

Integrate without Android Studio {:.no_toc}

不使用 Android Studio 进行集成 {:.no_toc}

To integrate a Flutter module with an existing Android app manually, without using Flutter's Android Studio plugin, follow these steps:

如果想要在不使用 Flutter 的 Android Studio 插件的情况下 手动将 Flutter 模块与现有的 Android 应用集成,可以参考以下步骤:

Create a Flutter module

创建 Flutter 模块

Let's assume that you have an existing Android app at some/path/MyApp, and that you want your Flutter project as a sibling:

假设你在 some/path/MyApp 路径下已有一个 Android 应用, 并且你希望 Flutter 项目作为同级项目:

cd some/path/
flutter create -t module --org com.example flutter_module

This creates a some/path/flutter_module/ Flutter module project with some Dart code to get you started and an .android/ hidden subfolder. The .android folder contains an Android project that can both help you run a barebones standalone version of your Flutter module via flutter run and it's also a wrapper that helps bootstrap the Flutter module an embeddable Android library.

这会创建一个 some/path/my_flutter/ 的 Flutter 模块项目, 其中包含一些 Dart 代码来帮助你入门以及一个隐藏的子文件夹 .android/.android 文件夹包含一个 Android 项目, 该项目不仅可以帮助你通过 flutter run 运行这个 Flutter 模块的独立应用, 而且还可以作为封装程序来帮助引导 Flutter 模块作为可嵌入的 Android 库。


Add custom Android code to your own existing application's project or a plugin, not to the module in .android/. Changes made in your module's .android/ directory won't appear in your existing Android project using the module.

将自己的 Android 代码添加到你现有应用程序的项目或插件中, 而不是添加到 .android/ 中的模块。在模块的 .android/ 目录中 所做的任何更改并不会显示在使用该模块的现有 Android 项目中。

Do not source control the .android/ directory since it's autogenerated. Before building the module on a new machine, run flutter pub get in the flutter_module directory first to regenerate the .android/ directory before building the Android project using the Flutter module.

由于 .android/ 目录是自动生成的,因此不需要对它的代码进行版本控制, 在新机器上构建模块之前,可以先在 my_flutter 目录中 运行 flutter pub get 来重新生成 .android/ 目录, 然后再使用 Flutter 模块构建 Android 项目。



To avoid Dex merging issues, flutter.androidPackage should not be identical to your host app's package name.

为了避免 Dex 的合并问题,flutter.androidPackage 不要使用与宿主应用一样的包名。


Java version requirement

Java 版本要求

Flutter requires your project to declare compatibility with Java 11 or later.

Flutter 需要使用 Java 11 的特性。

Before attempting to connect your Flutter module project to your host Android app, ensure that your host Android app declares the following source compatibility within your app's build.gradle file, under the android { } block.

在尝试将 Flutter 模块项目集成到宿主 Android 应用之前, 请先确保宿主 Android 应用的 build.gradle 文件的 android { } 块中声明了以下源兼容性。

android {
    // ...
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility = 11 // The minimum value
        targetCompatibility = 11 // The minimum value

Centralize repository settings

Starting with Gradle 7, Android recommends using centralized repository declarations in settings.gradle instead of project or module level declarations in build.gradle files.

Before attempting to connect your Flutter module project to your host Android app, make the following changes.

  1. Remove the repositories block in all of your app's build.gradle files.

    // Remove the following block, starting on the next line
        repositories {
    // the previous line
  2. Add the dependencyResolutionManagement displayed in this step to the settings.gradle file.

    dependencyResolutionManagement {
       repositoriesMode = RepositoriesMode.PREFER_SETTINGS
       repositories {

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Add the Flutter module as a dependency

将 Flutter module 作为依赖项

Add the Flutter module as a dependency of your existing app in Gradle. You can achieve this in two ways.

主要有两种方法将 Flutter 模块添加为 Gradle 中宿主应用程序的依赖项。

  1. Android archive The AAR mechanism creates generic Android AARs as intermediaries that packages your Flutter module. This is good when your downstream app builders don't want to have the Flutter SDK installed. But, it adds one more build step if you build frequently.

    AAR 集成 AAR 机制可以为每个 Flutter 模块创建 Android AAR 作为依赖媒介。 当你的宿主应用程序开发者不想安装 Flutter SDK 时,这是一个很好方案。 但是每次修改都需要重新编译。

  2. Module source code The source code subproject mechanism is a convenient one-click build process, but requires the Flutter SDK. This is the mechanism used by the Android Studio IDE plugin.

    模块源码集成 直接将 Flutter 模块的源码作为子项目的依赖机制是一种便捷的一键式构建方案, 但此时需要另外安装 Flutter SDK,这是目前 Android Studio IDE 插件使用的机制。

{% tabs %} {% tab "AAR 集成" %}

Depend on the Android Archive (AAR) {:.no_toc}

依赖 Android Archive (AAR) {:.no_toc}

This option packages your Flutter library as a generic local Maven repository composed of AARs and POMs artifacts. This option allows your team to build the host app without installing the Flutter SDK. You can then distribute the artifacts from a local or remote repository.

这种方式会将 Flutter 库打包成由 AAR 和 POM artifacts 组成的本地 Maven 存储库。 这种方案可以使你的团队不需要安装 Flutter SDK 即可编译宿主应用。 之后,你可以从本地或远程存储库中分发更新 artifacts。

Let's assume you built a Flutter module at some/path/flutter_module, and then run:

假设你在 some/path/flutter_module 下构建 Flutter 模块,执行如下命令:

cd some/path/flutter_module
flutter build aar

Then, follow the on-screen instructions to integrate.


{% render docs/, image:"development/add-to-app/android/project-setup/build-aar-instructions.png" %}

More specifically, this command creates (by default all debug/profile/release modes) a local repository, with the following files:

详细地说,该命令应用于创建(debug/profile/release 所有模式) 本地仓库,主要包含以下文件:

└── com
    └── example
        └── flutter_module
            ├── flutter_release
            │   ├── 1.0
            │   │   ├── flutter_release-1.0.aar
            │   │   ├── flutter_release-1.0.aar.md5
            │   │   ├── flutter_release-1.0.aar.sha1
            │   │   ├── flutter_release-1.0.pom
            │   │   ├── flutter_release-1.0.pom.md5
            │   │   └── flutter_release-1.0.pom.sha1
            │   ├── maven-metadata.xml
            │   ├── maven-metadata.xml.md5
            │   └── maven-metadata.xml.sha1
            ├── flutter_profile
            │   ├── ...
            └── flutter_debug
                └── ...

To depend on the AAR, the host app must be able to find these files.

要依赖 AAR,宿主应用必须能够找到这些文件。

To do that, edit settings.gradle in your host app so that it includes the local repository and the dependency:

为此,需要在宿主应用程序中修改 settings.gradle 文件, 使其包含本地存储库和上述依赖项:

{% tabs "settings.gradle.kts" %} {% tab "Kotlin" %}

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {

{% endtab %} {% tab "Groovy" %}

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositoriesMode = RepositoriesMode.PREFER_SETTINGS
    repositories {

        // Add the new repositories starting on the next line...
        maven {
            url = uri("some/path/flutter_module/build/host/outputs/repo")
            // This is relative to the location of the build.gradle file
            // if using a relative path.

        maven {
            url = uri("")
        // before this line  

{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Kotlin DSL based Android Project

基于 Kotlin DSL 的 Android 项目

After an aar build of a Kotlin DSL-based Android project, follow these steps to add the flutter_module.

在基于 Kotlin DSL Android 项目的 aar 构建完成后, 请按照以下步骤添加 flutter_module。

Include the flutter module as a dependency in the Android project's app/build.gradle file.

在 Android 项目的 app/build.gradle 文件中 将 flutter module 列为依赖项。

android {
    buildTypes {
        release {
        debug {
        create("profile") {

dependencies {
  // ...
  add("profileImplementation", "com.example.flutter_module:flutter_profile:1.0")

The profileImplementation ID is a custom configuration to be implemented in the app/build.gradle file of a host project.

profileImplementation ID 是在宿主项目的 app/build.gradle 文件中 实施的自定义 configuration

configurations {
    getByName("profileImplementation") {

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven(url = "")
        maven(url = "some/path/flutter_module_project/build/host/outputs/repo")


If you're located in China, use a mirror site rather than the domain. To learn more about mirror sites, check out Using Flutter in China page.

在国内,需要使用镜像站点代替。 有关镜像的详细信息,参见 在中国网络环境下使用 Flutter 页面。



You can also build an AAR for your Flutter module in Android Studio using the Build > Flutter > Build AAR menu.

你也可以直接点击 Android Studio 菜单中的 Build > Flutter > Build AAR 为 Flutter 模块构建 AAR。

{% render docs/, image:"development/add-to-app/android/project-setup/ide-build-aar.png" %}


{% endtab %} {% tab "模块源码集成" %}

Depend on the module's source code {:.no_toc}

依赖模块的源码 {:.no_toc}

This option enables a one-step build for both your Android project and Flutter project. This option is convenient when you work on both parts simultaneously and rapidly iterate, but your team must install the Flutter SDK to build the host app.

该方式可以使你的 Android 项目和 Flutter 项目能够同步一键式构建。 当你需要同时在这两个项目中进行快速迭代时,这种方案非常方便, 但是此时,你的团队必须安装 Flutter SDK 才能构建宿主应用程序。


By default, the host app provides the :app Gradle project. To change the name of this project, set flutter.hostAppProjectName in the Flutter module's file. Include this project in the host app's settings.gradle file.

默认情况下,宿主应用程序已经提供了 Gradle 项目 :app。 要更改该项目的名称,可以在 Flutter 模块的 文件中 设置 flutter.hostAppProjectName。 将该项目添加到下面提到的宿主应用的 settings.gradle 文件中。


Updating settings.gradle

更新 settings.gradle

Include the Flutter module as a subproject in the host app's settings.gradle. This example assumes flutter_module and MyApp exist in the same directory

将 Flutter 模块作为子项目添加到宿主应用的 settings.gradle 中。 本示例假定 flutter_moduleMyApp 在同一目录中:

If you are using Kotlin, apply the following changes:

如果你使用 Kotlin,请进行以下更改:

// Include the host app project. Assumed existing content.
// Replace "flutter_module" with whatever package_name you supplied when you ran:
// `$ flutter create -t module [package_name]
val filePath = settingsDir.parentFile.toString() + "/flutter_module/.android/include_flutter.groovy"
apply(from = File(filePath))


The ability to invoke include_flutter.groovy from Kotlin code requires Flutter 3.27. To determine your current Flutter version, run flutter --version. If it isn't at least version 3.27, consider changing to either the main or beta channels.

从 Kotlin 代码中调用 include_flutter.groovy 的功能需要 Flutter 3.27。 你如果需要判断当前的 Flutter 版本,请运行 flutter --version。 如果低于 3.27 版本,请考虑更换到 mainbeta 渠道版本。


If you are using Groovy, apply the following changes:

如果你使用 Groovy,请进行以下更改:

// Include the host app project.
include(":app")                                   // assumed existing content
setBinding(new Binding([gradle: this]))           // new
def filePath = settingsDir.parentFile.toString() + "/flutter_module/.android/include_flutter.groovy" // new
apply from: filePath                              // new

The binding and script evaluation allows the Flutter module to include itself (as :flutter) and any Flutter plugins used by the module (such as :package_info and :video_player) in the evaluation context of your settings.gradle.

binding 和 evaluation 脚本可以使 Flutter 模块将其自身(如 :flutter)和 该模块使用的所有 Flutter 插件(如 :package_info:video_player) 都包含在 settings.gradle 的评估的上下文中。

Updating app/build.gradle

更新 app/build.gradle

Introduce an implementation dependency on the Flutter module from your app:

在你的应用中引入对 Flutter 模块的 implementation 依赖:

dependencies {


This code is identical between Groovy and Kotlin.

Groovy 和 Kotlin 的代码完全相同。


{% endtab %} {% endtabs %}

Your app now includes the Flutter module as a dependency.

此时,你的应用程序已将 Flutter 模块添加为依赖项,

Continue to the Adding a Flutter screen to an Android app guide.

接下来你可以按照 向 Android 应用中添加 Flutter 页面 继续进一步的集成。