title | description | prev | ||||
Chat client sample |
Learn about the chat client sample included in the AI Toolkit.
The AI Chat sample is meant to be a full-fledged chat app built using the Flutter AI Toolkit and Vertex AI for Firebase. In addition to all of the multi-shot, multi-media, streaming features that it gets from the AI Toolkit, the AI Chat sample shows how to store and manage multiple chats at once in your own apps. On desktop form-factors, the AI Chat sample looks like the following:
On mobile form-factors, it looks like this:
The chats are stored in an authenticated Cloud Firestore database; any authenticated user can have as many chats as they like.
In addition, for each new chat, while the user can manually title it whatever they like, the initial prompt and response is used to ask the LLM what an appropriate title should be. In fact, the titles of the chats in the screenshots in this page were set automatically.
To build and run the sample, follow the instructions in the AI Chat README.
{% comment %} TODO: If Mit agrees, move this to an official Flutter repo Chris didn't want to do it so close to release {% endcomment %}