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Android 上使用 dart:ffi 调用本地代码 |
在你的 Flutter 工程中,通过 dart:ffi 来使用 C 语言代码 |
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dartffi |
Flutter mobile and desktop apps can use the dart:ffi library to call native C APIs. FFI stands for foreign function interface. Other terms for similar functionality include native interface and language bindings.
Flutter 移动版可以使用 dart:ffi 库来调用本地的 C API。 FFI 代表 外部功能接口。 类似功能的其他术语包括本地接口和语言绑定。
This page describes using the dart:ffi
in Android apps. For information on iOS, see
Binding to native iOS code using dart:ffi.
For information in macOS, see
Binding to native macOS code using dart:ffi.
This feature is not yet supported for web plugins.
本文描述的是在 Android 应用中使用 dart:ffi
你可以阅读 在 iOS 中使用 dart:ffi 调用本地代码
或 在 macOS 中使用 dart:ffi 调用本地代码。
Web 插件暂不支持调用本地代码。
Before your library or program can use the FFI library to bind to native code, you must ensure that the native code is loaded and its symbols are visible to Dart. This page focuses on compiling, packaging, and loading Android native code within a Flutter plugin or app.
你必须首先确保本地代码已加载,并且其符号对 Dart 可见, 然后才能在库或程序使用 FFI 库绑定本地代码。 本页主要介绍如何在 Flutter 插件或应用程序中编译、打包和加载本地代码。
This tutorial demonstrates how to bundle C/C++ sources in a Flutter plugin and bind to them using the Dart FFI library on both Android and iOS. In this walkthrough, you'll create a C function that implements 32-bit addition and then exposes it through a Dart plugin named "native_add".
本教程演示了如何在 Flutter 插件中捆绑 C/C++ 源代码, 并使用 Android 和 iOS 上的 Dart FFI 库绑定它们。 在本示例中,你将创建一个实现 32 位的加法 C 函数, 然后通过名为 "native_add" 的 Dart 插件暴露它。
A native library can be linked into an app either dynamically or statically. A statically linked library is embedded into the app's executable image, and is loaded when the app starts.
本地库可以动态或静态地链接到应用程序中。 一个静态链接库会被嵌入到应用程序的可执行映像中, 并在应用程序启动时加载。
Symbols from a statically linked library can be
loaded using DynamicLibrary.executable
静态链接中的符号可以使用 DynamicLibrary.executable
或 DynamicLibrary.process
A dynamically linked library, by contrast, is distributed
in a separate file or folder within the app,
and loaded on-demand. On Android, a dynamically
linked library is distributed as a set of .so
files, one for each architecture.
并按需加载。在 Android 上,动态链接库作为一组
(ELF 可执行与可链接格式)文件分发,每个架构各有一个。
A dynamically linked library can be loaded into
Dart via DynamicLibrary.open
动态链接库在 Dart 中可以通过 DynamicLibrary.open
API documentation is available from the Dart API reference documentation.
请查看 API 文档: Dart API 参考文档.
On Android, only dynamic libraries are supported (because the main executable is the JVM, which we don't link to statically).
在 Android 平台只有动态库可以使用 (因为在 JVM 环境无法静态链接)。
To create an FFI plugin called "native_add", do the following:
如果要创建一个名为 "native_add" 的插件, 你需要这么做:
$ flutter create --platforms=android,ios,macos,windows,linux --template=plugin_ffi native_add
$ cd native_add
You can exclude platforms from --platforms
that you don't want
to build to. However, you need to include the platform of
the device you are testing on.
你可以使用 --platforms
This will create a plugin with C/C++ sources in native_add/src
These sources are built by the native build files in the various
os build folders.
C/C++ 源代码会被创建至 native_add/src
The FFI library can only bind against C symbols,
so in C++ these symbols are marked extern "C"
FFI 库只能绑定 C 语言的符号,所以 C++ 语言的符号会被标记为 extern "C"
You should also add attributes to indicate that the
symbols are referenced from Dart,
to prevent the linker from discarding the symbols
during link-time optimization.
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) __attribute__((used))
FFI 库只能与 C 符号绑定,因此在 C++ 中,
这些符号添加 extern C
还应该添加属性来表明符号是需要被 Dart 引用的,
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) __attribute__((used))
On Android, the native_add/android/build.gradle
links the code.
在 Android 上 native_add/android/build.gradle
The native code is invoked from dart in lib/native_add_bindings_generated.dart
原生代码会从 lib/native_add_bindings_generated.dart
被 Dart 调用。
The bindings are generated with package:ffigen.
代码由 package:ffigen 生成。
To link against a platform library, use the following instructions:
Find the desired library in the Android NDK Native APIs list in the Android docs. This lists stable native APIs.
在 Android 文档的 Android NDK Native APIs 列表中找到所需的库。 它列出了稳定的本地 API。
Load the library using
. For example, to load OpenGL ES (v3):使用
加载库。 示例:加载 OpenGL ES (v3):DynamicLibrary.open('libGLES_v3.so');
You might need to update the Android manifest file of the app or plugin if indicated by the documentation.
如果文档中有说明, 你还需要根据说明更新 Android 应用程序或插件的清单文件。
The process for including native code in source code or binary form is the same for an app or plugin.
Follow the Add C and C++ code to your project
instructions in the Android docs to
add native code and support for the native
code toolchain (either CMake or ndk-build
遵循 Android 文档中的
添加 C 和 C++ 代码到项目
来添加本地代码和对本地代码工具链的支持(CMake 或 ndk-build
To create a Flutter plugin that includes Dart source code, but distribute the C/C++ library in binary form, use the following instructions:
要创建包含 Dart 源代码,但以二进制形式分发 C/C++ 库的 Flutter 插件, 请按照如下说明:
Open the
file for your project.打开你项目的
文件。 -
Add the AAR artifact as a dependency. Don't include the artifact in your Flutter package. Instead, it should be downloaded from a repository, such as JCenter.
添加 aar 工件添加为依赖。 不要在你的 Flutter package 中导入工件。 对应的,它需要在一个仓库中下载,比如 JCenter。
Android guidelines in general recommend distributing native shared objects uncompressed because that actually saves on device space. Shared objects can be directly loaded from the APK instead of unpacking them on device into a temporary location and then loading. APKs are additionally packed in transit—that's why you should be looking at download size.
Android 指南 通常建议分发未压缩的本地共享对象, 因为这种做法实际上可以节省设备空间。 共享对象可以直接从 APK 加载, 而不是将它们解压到设备上的临时位置然后再加载。 APK 是在传输过程中额外打包的 - 这就是为什么你应该查看下载的文件尺寸。
Flutter APKs by default don't follow these guidelines
and compress libflutter.so
and libapp.so
leads to smaller APK size but larger on device size.
Flutter APK 文件默认情况下
不遵循这些指导原则来压缩 libflutter.so
和 libapp.so
这会导致 APK 体积更小,但在设备上体积更大。
Shared objects from third parties can change this default
setting with android:extractNativeLibs="true"
in their
and stop the compression of libflutter.so
, and any user-added shared objects.
To re-enable compression, override the setting in
in the following way.
来自第三方的共享库可以使用其 AndroidManifest.xml
中的 android:extractNativeLibs="true"
来停止压缩 libflutter.so
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
- package="com.example.your_app_name">
+ xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"
+ package="com.example.your_app_name" >
<!-- io.flutter.app.FlutterApplication is an android.app.Application that
calls FlutterMain.startInitialization(this); in its onCreate method.
In most cases you can leave this as-is, but you if you want to provide
additional functionality it is fine to subclass or reimplement
FlutterApplication and put your custom class here. -->
- android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher">
+ android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher"
+ android:extractNativeLibs="true"
+ tools:replace="android:extractNativeLibs">
{% include docs/resource-links/ffi-video-resources.md %}