This pack enables you to manage Linux hosts using Ansible modules. The Ansible engine is self-contained and pre-configured as part of this pack onto your XSOAR server. The Ansible modules have been exposed as XSOAR commands, and allow you to use them without needing to know Ansible.
- Users, Groups
- Hostname
- Shares
- Firewalld/iptables/UFW
- Processes
- Files/Folders, ACLs, Disks, Partitions, mounts
- Install software using package managers
- Services
- Download files
- Issue URI requests
- Time
- File contents
- Cron
- ACME Certificates
- OpenSSL
- Java
- SSH Known hosts
- Kernel modules
- Python/Pip
- SELinux
- ISOs
- Archives
- Interfaces
- Interactive CLI applications
- DNS Records via NSUpdate
In addition to this the Linux Integration can be used to retrieve information about:
- General system info
- Hardware
- Services