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File metadata and controls

71 lines (56 loc) · 4.35 KB

URLs and Parameters

The main Snack website is hosted at and can be loaded in embedded mode and with custom parameters.

Snack has been transitioned to the .dev domain! Any traffic to is automatically redirected to Read more about it here!


Path Description Default Snack website. Minimal embedded website.{id} Loads a saved Snack.{id} Loads a saved Snack using the minimal embedded website. Loads the Embed Script for including Snack embeds in your documentation.


Parameter Query Example Description
code &code=console.log('hello%20world')%3B JavaScript code to use for the Snack. This creates a Snack with a single App.js file. If you want to create multi-file Snacks or load contents from external sources, use the files parameter.
description &description=My%20Awesome%20Snack Description of the Snack.
dependencies &dependencies=expo-image-picker,lodash%404 Comma separated list of dependencies to include in the Snack. The dependency version is optional. When omitted the version that is compatible with the selected SDK version is used (similar to expo install).
files &files=... Files that make up the Snack. This should be a URL encoded JSON object, see Files. Causes the code parameter to be ignored when specified.
hideQueryParams &hideQueryParams=true Removes (hides) the query arguments from the browser address bar (defaults to false). You can use this argument to show a clean url to the user (e.g., instead of
name &name=My%20Demo Name of the Snack. Defaults to an auto-generated name.
platform &platform=web The default platform to preview the Snack on. Defaults to web which will run as soon as your users see the Snack. Valid values: ios, android, web, mydevice.
preview &preview=true Shows or hides preview pane. Defaults to false on embedded Snacks. Valid values: true, false.
sdkVersion &sdkVersion=38.0.0 The Expo SDK version to use. Defaults to the latest released Expo SDK version.
sourceUrl &sourceUrl= Using sourceUrl you can host your own code for a Snack anywhere you like. Just provide a url for a publicly accessible resource to the sourceUrl attribute. When specified, causes the code and files attributes to be ignored.
supportedPlatforms &supportedPlatforms=ios,web The platforms available for previewing the Snack. Defaults to mydevice,ios,android,web when not specified.
theme &theme=dark The theme to use, light or dark. When omitted uses the theme that was configured by the user (defaults to light).
verbose &verbose=true Enables verbose logging in the console (defaults to false). This can be useful to diagnose problems with Snacks or packages.

All query parameters should be URL encoded, e.g. by using encodeURIComponent.


Using the files parameter, it is possible to:

  • create multi-file Snacks
  • load code from external sources
  • use the App.tsx file extension

The files parameter is JSON object which supports 3 kinds of file definitions.

const files = {
  // Inlined code
  'App.tsx': {
    type: 'CODE',
    contents: 'console.log("hello world!");'
  // Externally hosted code (JavaScript, Markdown, JSON)
  'data/data.json': {
    type: 'CODE',
    url: 'https://mysite/data.json'
  // Externally hosted assets (images, fonts)
  'assets/image.png': {
    type: 'ASSET',
    contents: 'https://mysite/image.png'

// URL example
const url = `${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(files))}`;