title | intro | product | redirect_from | versions | shortTitle | |||||||||||
Working with the RubyGems registry |
You can configure RubyGems to publish a package to {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %} and to use packages stored on {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %} as dependencies in a Ruby project with Bundler. |
{% data reusables.gated-features.packages %} |
RubyGems registry |
{% data reusables.package_registry.packages-ghes-release-stage %}
{% data reusables.package_registry.admins-can-configure-package-types %}
{% ifversion ghec %}
If you access {% data variables.product.github %} at {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom_the_website %}, you will publish packages to https://rubygems.pkg.github.com. Examples in this article use this URL.
If you access {% data variables.product.github %} at another domain, such as octocorp.ghe.com
, replace "https://rubygems.pkg.github.com" with https://rubygems.SUBDOMAIN.ghe.com
is your enterprise's unique subdomain.
{% endif %}
You must have RubyGems 2.4.1 or higher. To find your RubyGems version:
gem --version
You must have bundler 1.6.4 or higher. To find your Bundler version:
$ bundle --version Bundler version 1.13.7
{% data reusables.package_registry.authenticate-packages %}
{% ifversion packages-rubygems-v2 %}
This registry supports granular permissions. {% data reusables.package_registry.authenticate_with_pat_for_v2_registry %}
{% data reusables.package_registry.v2-actions-codespaces %}
{% endif %}
{% data reusables.package_registry.required-scopes %}
To publish and install gems, you can configure RubyGems or Bundler to authenticate to {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %} using your {% data variables.product.pat_generic %}.
To publish new gems, you need to authenticate to {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %} with RubyGems by editing your ~/.gem/credentials file to include your {% data variables.product.pat_v1 %}. Create a new ~/.gem/credentials file if this file doesn't exist.
For example, you would create or edit a ~/.gem/credentials to include the following, replacing TOKEN with your {% data variables.product.pat_generic %}.
:github: Bearer TOKEN
To install gems, you need to authenticate to {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %} by updating your gem sources to include https://USERNAME:TOKEN@{% ifversion fpt or ghec %}rubygems.pkg.github.com{% else %}REGISTRY_URL{% endif %}/NAMESPACE/
. You must replace:
with your {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} username.TOKEN
with your {% data variables.product.pat_v1 %}.NAMESPACE
with the name of the personal account or organization {% ifversion packages-rubygems-v2 %}to which the gem is scoped{% else %}that owns the repository containing the gem{% endif %}.{% ifversion ghes %}REGISTRY_URL
with the URL for your instance's Rubygems registry. If your instance has subdomain isolation enabled, userubygems.HOSTNAME
. If your instance has subdomain isolation disabled, useHOSTNAME/_registry/rubygems
. In either case, replace HOSTNAME with the hostname of your {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} instance. {% endif %}
If you would like your package to be available globally, you can run the following command to add your registry as a source.
gem sources --add https://USERNAME:TOKEN@{% ifversion fpt or ghec %}rubygems.pkg.github.com{% else %}REGISTRY_URL{% endif %}/NAMESPACE/
To authenticate with Bundler, configure Bundler to use your {% data variables.product.pat_v1 %}, replacing USERNAME with your {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} username, TOKEN with your {% data variables.product.pat_generic %}, and NAMESPACE with the name of the personal account or organization {% ifversion packages-rubygems-v2 %}to which the gem is scoped{% else %}that owns the repository containing the gem{% endif %}.{% ifversion ghes %} Replace REGISTRY_URL
with the URL for your instance's RubyGems registry. If your instance has subdomain isolation enabled, use rubygems.HOSTNAME
. If your instance has subdomain isolation disabled, use HOSTNAME/_registry/rubygems
. In either case, replace HOSTNAME with the hostname of your {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} instance.{% endif %}
bundle config https://{% ifversion fpt or ghec %}rubygems.pkg.github.com{% else %}REGISTRY_URL{% endif %}/NAMESPACE USERNAME:TOKEN
{% ifversion packages-rubygems-v2 %}{% data reusables.package_registry.publishing-user-scoped-packages %}{% else %}By default, GitHub publishes the package to an existing repository with the same name as the package. For example, when you publish GEM_NAME
to the octo-org
organization, GitHub Packages publishes the gem to the octo-org/GEM_NAME
repository.{% endif %} For more information on creating your gem, see Make your own gem in the RubyGems documentation.
{% data reusables.package_registry.auto-inherit-permissions-note %}
{% data reusables.package_registry.authenticate-step %}
Build the package from the gemspec to create the .gem package. Replace
with the name of your gem.gem build GEM_NAME.gemspec
Publish a package to {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %}, replacing
with the name of the personal account or organization {% ifversion packages-rubygems-v2 %}to which the package will be scoped{% else %}that owns the repository containing your project{% endif %} andGEM_NAME
with the name of your gem package.{% ifversion ghes %} ReplaceREGISTRY_URL
with the URL for your instance's Rubygems registry. If your instance has subdomain isolation enabled, userubygems.HOSTNAME
. If your instance has subdomain isolation disabled, useHOSTNAME/_registry/rubygems
. In either case, replaceHOSTNAME
with the host name of your {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} instance.{% endif %}[!NOTE] The maximum uncompressed size of a gem's
file must be less than {% data variables.package_registry.limit_rubygems_max_metadata_size %}. Requests to push gems that exceed that limit will fail.$ gem push --key github \ --host https://{% ifversion fpt or ghec %}rubygems.pkg.github.com{% else %}REGISTRY_URL{% endif %}/NAMESPACE \ GEM_NAME-0.0.1.gem
{% ifversion packages-rubygems-v2 %}
The RubyGems registry stores packages within your organization or personal account, and allows you to associate packages with a repository. You can choose whether to inherit permissions from a repository, or set granular permissions independently of a repository.
You can ensure gems will be linked to a repository as soon as they are published by including the URL of the {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} repository in the github_repo
field in gem.metadata
. You can link multiple gems to the same repository. {% ifversion ghes %} In the following example, replace HOSTNAME with the host name of {% data variables.location.product_location %}.{% endif %}
gem.metadata = { "github_repo" => "ssh://{% ifversion fpt or ghec %}github.com{% else %}HOSTNAME{% endif %}/OWNER/REPOSITORY" }
For information on linking a published package with a repository, see AUTOTITLE.
{% else %}
To publish multiple gems to the same repository, you can include the URL to the {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} repository in the github_repo
field in gem.metadata
. If you include this field, {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} matches the repository based on this value, instead of using the gem name.{% ifversion ghes %} Replace HOSTNAME with the host name of {% data variables.location.product_location %}.{% endif %}
gem.metadata = { "github_repo" => "ssh://{% ifversion fpt or ghec %}github.com{% else %}HOSTNAME{% endif %}/OWNER/REPOSITORY" }
{% endif %}
You can use gems from {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %} much like you use gems from rubygems.org. You need to authenticate to {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %} by adding your {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} user or organization as a source in the ~/.gemrc file or by using Bundler and editing your Gemfile.
{% data reusables.package_registry.authenticate-step %}
For Bundler, add your {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} user or organization as a source in your Gemfile to fetch gems from this new source. For example, you can add a new
block to your Gemfile that uses {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %} only for the packages you specify, replacingGEM_NAME
with the package you want to install from {% data variables.product.prodname_registry %} andNAMESPACE
with the personal account or organization {% ifversion packages-rubygems-v2 %}to which the gem you want to install is scoped{% else %}that owns the repository containing the gem you want to install{% endif %}.{% ifversion ghes %} ReplaceREGISTRY_URL
with the URL for your instance's Rubygems registry. If your instance has subdomain isolation enabled, userubygems.HOSTNAME
. If your instance has subdomain isolation disabled, useHOSTNAME/_registry/rubygems
. In either case, replaceHOSTNAME
with the host name of your {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} instance.{% endif %}source "https://rubygems.org" gem "rails" source "https://{% ifversion fpt or ghec %}rubygems.pkg.github.com{% else %}REGISTRY_URL{% endif %}/NAMESPACE" do gem "GEM_NAME" end
For Bundler versions earlier than 1.7.0, you need to add a new global
. For more information on using Bundler, see the bundler.io documentation.source "https://{% ifversion fpt or ghec %}rubygems.pkg.github.com{% else %}REGISTRY_URL{% endif %}/NAMESPACE" source "https://rubygems.org" gem "rails" gem "GEM_NAME"
Install the package:
gem install GEM_NAME --version "0.1.1"