/* htop - ColumnsPanel.c (C) 2004-2011 Hisham H. Muhammad Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include "ColumnsPanel.h" #include "Platform.h" #include "StringUtils.h" #include "ListItem.h" #include "CRT.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> /*{ #include "Panel.h" #include "Settings.h" typedef struct ColumnsPanel_ { Panel super; Settings* settings; bool moving; } ColumnsPanel; }*/ static const char* const ColumnsFunctions[] = {" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "MoveUp", "MoveDn", "Remove", "Done ", NULL}; static void ColumnsPanel_delete(Object* object) { Panel* super = (Panel*) object; ColumnsPanel* this = (ColumnsPanel*) object; Panel_done(super); free(this); } static HandlerResult ColumnsPanel_eventHandler(Panel* super, int ch) { ColumnsPanel* const this = (ColumnsPanel*) super; int selected = Panel_getSelectedIndex(super); HandlerResult result = IGNORED; int size = Panel_size(super); switch(ch) { case 0x0a: case 0x0d: case KEY_ENTER: case KEY_MOUSE: case KEY_RECLICK: { if (selected < size - 1) { this->moving = !(this->moving); Panel_setSelectionColor(super, this->moving ? CRT_colors[PANEL_SELECTION_FOLLOW] : CRT_colors[PANEL_SELECTION_FOCUS]); ((ListItem*)Panel_getSelected(super))->moving = this->moving; result = HANDLED; } break; } case KEY_UP: { if (!this->moving) { break; } } /* else fallthrough */ case KEY_F(7): case '[': case '-': { if (selected < size - 1) Panel_moveSelectedUp(super); result = HANDLED; break; } case KEY_DOWN: { if (!this->moving) { break; } } /* else fallthrough */ case KEY_F(8): case ']': case '+': { if (selected < size - 2) Panel_moveSelectedDown(super); result = HANDLED; break; } case KEY_F(9): case KEY_DC: { if (selected < size - 1) { Panel_remove(super, selected); } result = HANDLED; break; } default: { if (ch < 255 && isalpha(ch)) result = Panel_selectByTyping(super, ch); if (result == BREAK_LOOP) result = IGNORED; break; } } if (result == HANDLED) ColumnsPanel_update(super); return result; } PanelClass ColumnsPanel_class = { .super = { .extends = Class(Panel), .delete = ColumnsPanel_delete }, .eventHandler = ColumnsPanel_eventHandler }; ColumnsPanel* ColumnsPanel_new(Settings* settings) { ColumnsPanel* this = AllocThis(ColumnsPanel); Panel* super = (Panel*) this; FunctionBar* fuBar = FunctionBar_new(ColumnsFunctions, NULL, NULL); Panel_init(super, 1, 1, 1, 1, Class(ListItem), true, fuBar); this->settings = settings; this->moving = false; Panel_setHeader(super, "Active Columns"); ProcessField* fields = this->settings->fields; for (; *fields; fields++) { if (Process_fields[*fields].name) { Panel_add(super, (Object*) ListItem_new(Process_fields[*fields].name, *fields)); } } return this; } int ColumnsPanel_fieldNameToIndex(const char* name) { for (int j = 1; j <= Platform_numberOfFields; j++) { if (String_eq(name, Process_fields[j].name)) { return j; } } return -1; } void ColumnsPanel_update(Panel* super) { ColumnsPanel* this = (ColumnsPanel*) super; int size = Panel_size(super); this->settings->changed = true; this->settings->fields = xRealloc(this->settings->fields, sizeof(ProcessField) * (size+1)); this->settings->flags = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int key = ((ListItem*) Panel_get(super, i))->key; this->settings->fields[i] = key; this->settings->flags |= Process_fields[key].flags; } this->settings->fields[size] = 0; }