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Installer for Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager

This software is the HAXM setup program, which is used to install and load the HAXM kernel driver, and start the corresponding service for VM (virtual machine) application use. It supports installation, upgrade and uninstallation operations, and provides two modes of GUI (graphical user interface) wizard and silent installation. It can be executed as a standalone installer or as an extension of Android SDK Tools in Android Studio. This software currently only supports running on Windows.

The installer has the built-in Check Tool, which is used to check the system environment before installing or uninstalling HAXM.


Since HAXM release v7.6.5, the installer had used this new framework. The installer is available in the latest HAXM release for Windows.


GUI mode

Execute haxm-<version>-setup.exe extracted from the release package. Following the setup wizard to complete HAXM installation.

Silent mode

  1. cd X:\path\to\haxm-windows_<version>
  2. silent_install.bat

The output will be as below if successful.

Intel HAXM installed successfully!



NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) 3.05 or later

Install the following components:

Header Files

Header Files

Save the Function code in above URLs as .nsh files, and insert the following code in the header of each file:

!include "LogicLib.nsh"

Copy these header files to the system Include folder, e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\Include\


Download and extract zip packages to NSIS installation path, e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\. Then move the extracted library C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\Plugins\Unicode\LogEx.dll to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\Plugins\x86-unicode\.

If you do not intend to extract the whole plug-in packages to NSIS installation path, you can first extract the plug-in packages to the current directory, and then only copy the libraries to the system Plugins folder. Run below command in an elevated Command Prompt:

cp .\Plugins\x86-unicode\ExecDos.dll .\Plugins\Unicode\LogEx.dll "C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\Plugins\x86-unicode"

Build steps

Prepare components

Prepare assets folder in Installer folder as below.

├── checktool.exe            Copied from the build output of "Check Tool"
├── LICENSE                  Copied from the 'LICENSE' file of HAXM
├── uninstall.exe            Generated by executing 'uninstall-maker.exe'
├── uninstall-maker.exe      Generated by compiling 'Uninstall.nsi'
├── win10
│   ├── x64
│   │   └── IntelHaxm.sys    Copied from the 64-bit build output of HAXM,
│   │                        e.g., 'platforms\windows\build\out\x64\Debug'
│   └── x86
│       └── IntelHaxm.sys    Copied from the 32-bit build output of HAXM,
│                            e.g., 'platforms\windows\build\out\Win32\Debug'
└── win7
    ├── x64
    │   └── IntelHaxm.sys    Copied from the 64-bit build output of HAXM,
    │                        e.g., 'platforms\windows\build\out\x64\Debug'
    └── x86
        └── IntelHaxm.sys    Copied from the 32-bit build output of HAXM,
                             e.g., 'platforms\windows\build\out\Win32\Debug'
  1. Build HAXM

    Follow this manual to build the 32-/64-bit HAXM drivers and place them in the corresponding paths above. The difference between the folders win10 and win7 is: the signing approaches of the release drivers are different. The kernel drivers for Windows 10 are signed by Microsoft online, while drivers for other versions of Windows are signed by SignTool offline.

    If the HAXM drivers are built with Debug configuration, both are signed with test certificate. In this case, the drivers in the folders win10 and win7 can be kept consistent.

  2. Build Check Tool

    Follow this link to build Check Tool executable and place it in the corresponding path above. User can decide the build configuration according to the bits of the target platform.

  3. Build uninstaller

    Right click Uninstall.nsi > Compile NSIS Script, then uninstall-maker.exe will be generated in assets folder. After executing uninstall-maker.exe, the uninstaller uninstall.exe will be generated alongside.

Build installer

Right click HaxmSetup.nsi > Compile NSIS Script, then the installer haxm-<version>-setup.exe will be built out in the current directory.

So far, there is only 32-bit Windows release for NSIS, therefore only the 32-bit Windows installer can be generated. It can be installed on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows platforms.