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Sliders allow users to make selections from a range of values.

"Slider with sound icon buttons on each end."


Using sliders

Sliders reflect a range of values along a bar, from which users may select a single value. They are ideal for adjusting settings such as volume, brightness, or applying image filters.

Installing sliders

In order to install with Cocoapods first add the component to your Podfile:

pod 'MaterialComponents/Slider'

Then run the installer:

pod install

Then import the Slider target:


import MaterialComponents.MaterialSlider


#import "MaterialSlider.h"

Typical use

MDCSlider can be be used like a standard UIControl.


override func viewDidLoad() {

  let slider = MDCSlider(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 100, height: 27))
                   action: #selector(didChangeSliderValue(senderSlider:)),
                   for: .valueChanged)

func didChangeSliderValue(senderSlider:MDCSlider) {
  print("Did change slider value to: \(senderSlider.value)")

Objective C

- (void)viewDidLoad {
  MDCSlider *slider = [[MDCSlider alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50, 50, 100, 27)];
  [slider addTarget:self
  [self.view addSubview:slider];

- (void)didChangeSliderValue:(MDCSlider *)slider {
  NSLog(@"did change %@ value: %f", NSStringFromClass([slider class]), slider.value);

Stateful APIs

MDCSlider exposes stateful APIs to customize the colors for different control states. In order to use this API you must enable statefulAPIEnabled on your MDCSlider instances.


 let slider = MDCSlider()
 slider.isStatefulAPIEnabled = true

 // Setting a thumb color for selected state.
 slider.setThumbColor(.red, for: .selected)

Objective C

 MDCSlider *slider = [[MDCSlider alloc] init];
 slider.statefulAPIEnabled = YES;
 // Setting a thumb color for selected state.
 [slider setThumbColor:[UIColor redColor] forState:UIControlStateSelected];

Making sliders accessible

To help ensure your slider is accessible to as many users as possible, please be sure to review the following recommendations:


Set an appropriate accessibilityLabel value for your slider. This should reflect what the slider affects.


slider.accessibilityLabel = "Volume level"

Objective - C

slider.accessibilityLabel = @"Volume level";

Minimum touch size

Sliders currently respect the minimum touch size recomended by the Material spec touch areas should be at least 44 points high and 44 wide. The height of the slider is set to 27 points so make sure there is sufficient space so that touches don't affect other elements.


There are two types of sliders: 1. Continuous slider and 2. Discrete slider

"Slider examples of both continuous and discrete sliders."

A slider with one thumb is called a single point slider, and a slider with two thumbs is called a range slider.

Note: Range sliders are not supported on iOS.

Anatomy and key properties

A slider has a track, one or two thumbs, and optional value label. A discrete slider also has tick marks.

Slider anatomy diagram

  1. Track
  2. Thumb
  3. Value label (optional)
  4. Tick mark (discrete sliders)

Track attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Min value minimumValue -setMinimumValue:
Max value maximumValue -setMaximumValue:
Number of discrete values numberOfDiscreteValues -setNumberOfDiscreteValues:
Is discrete discrete -setIsDiscrete:
Height trackHeight -setTrackHeight:
Track background color NA -setTrackBackgroundColor:forState:
Black at 26% opacity
Track fill color NA -setTrackFillColor:forState:
Primary color

Thumb attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Thumb color NA -setThumbColor:forState:
Primary color
Radius thumbRadius -setThumbRadius:
Elevation thumbElevation -setThumbElevation:
Ripple color rippleColor -setRippleColor:
Ripple radius thumbRippleMaximumRadius -setThumbRippleMaximumRadius:

Value label attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Background color valueLabelBackgroundColor -setValueLabelBackgroundColor:
Text color valueLabelTextColor -valueLabelTextColor:
Font discreteValueLabelFont -setDiscreteValueLabelFont:

Tick mark attributes

  Attribute Related method(s) Default value
Background tick color N/A -setBackgroundTrackTickColor:forState:
Filled tick color N/A -setFilledTrackTickColor:forState:

Continuous sliders

Continuous sliders allow users to make meaningful selections that don’t require a specific value.

Continuous single point slider example

Source code:

"Continuous slider from 0 to 100, set at a value of 70."


let slider = MDCSlider()
slider.minimumValue = 0
slider.maximumValue = 100
slider.value = 70

Objective C

MDCSlider *slider = [[MDCSlider alloc] init];
slider.minimumValue = 0.0f;
slider.maximumValue = 100.0f;
slider.value = 70.0f;

Discrete sliders

Discrete single point slider example

Source code:

"Discrete slider from 0 to 100, set at a value of 70."


let slider = MDCSlider()
slider.minimumValue = 0
slider.maximumValue = 100
slider.value = 70
slider.discrete = true
slider.numberOfDiscreteValues = 10
slider.shouldDisplayDiscreteValueLabel = false


MDCSlider *slider = [[MDCSlider alloc] init];
slider.minimumValue = 0.0f;
slider.maximumValue = 100.0f;
slider.value = 70.0f;
slider.discrete = YES;
slider.numberOfDiscreteValues = 10;
slider.shouldDisplayDiscreteValueLabel = NO;

Theming sliders

MDCSlider has no recommended theming mechanism. Configure colors using the properties and stateful APIs exposed on the slider.

Differences from UISlider

UISlider APIs not present in MDCSlider

  • Setting the left/right icons via minimumValueImage and maximumValueImage.
  • Setting the thumb image via setThumbImage:forState:.
  • Setting the right/left track images (for a custom track) via setMinimumTrackImage:forState: and setMaximumTrackImage:forState:.

UISlider APIs with different names in MDCSlider

  • The UISlider API minimumTrackTintColor has an equivalent API setTrackFillColor:forState: in MDCSlider. This API must first be enabled by setting statefulAPIEnabled to YES.
  • The UISlider API maximumTrackTintColor has an equivalent API setTrackBackgroundColor:forState: in MDCSlider. This API must first be enabled by setting statefulAPIEnabled = YES.
  • The UISlider API thumbTintColor has an equivalent API setThumbColor:forState: in MDCSlider. This API must first be enabled by setting statefulAPIEnabled = YES.

MDCSlider enhancements not in MDCSlider

  • MDCSlider can behave as a Material Discrete Slider by setting discrete = YES and numberOfDiscreteValues to a value greater than or equal to 2. Discrete sliders only allow their calculated discrete values to be selected as the Slider's value. If numberOfDiscreteValues is less than 2, then the Slider will behave as a Material Continuous Slider.
  • For Discrete Sliders, the track tick color is configured with the setFilledTrackTickColor:forState: and setBackgroundTrackTickColor:forState: APIs. The filled track ticks are those overlapping the filled/active part of the Slider. The background track ticks are found in any other portions of the track. These APIs must first be enabled by setting statefulAPIEnabled = YES.
  • Track tick marks can be made shown always, never, or only when dragging via the trackTickVisibility API. If numberOfDiscreteValues is less than 2, then tick marks will never be shown.
  • An anchor point can be set via filledTrackAnchorValue to control the starting position of the filled track.
  • The track can be made taller (or shorter) by setting the value of trackHeight.


MDCSlider's behavior is very similar to that of UISlider, but it's not exactly the same. On an accessibilityActivate event, the value moves one sixth of the amount between the current value and the midpoint value.