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Minimum Go version: go 1.1+

To run these code samples, you will need to install the dependent libraries via the "go get" command. These code samples require the goauth2 and google-api-go-client libraries which can be installed with the following commands:

go get go get

The keyword search and topic search samples can be run via the standard "go run" command once the developerKey constant is populated with an API key created at

Example usage:

go run search_key_keyword.go

The YouTube Data API must be enabled for the project associated with this key.

To run any sample that requires authorization on behalf of a user, such as checking for uploads, this requires the shared oauth.go file to be passed as a parameter to "go run". These samples require a "Web Application" client ID and client secret pair which can also be created at the Google API console at Once a client ID and secret pair have been created, these values must be populated into client_secrets.json in the corresponding fields. A template client_secrets.json has been provided in client_secrets.json.sample. Rename this file and populate the fields.

Example usage:

go run my_uploads.go oauth.go

oauth.go contains code that is shared between the code samples that require OAuth 2.0 authorization, so it must be passed as a parameter to "go run".

More information about the YouTube APIs can be found at

Samples in this directory:

Description: This code sample performs OAuth 2.0 authorization by checking for the presence of a local file that contains authorization credentials. If the file is not present, the script opens a browser and waits for a response, then saves the returned credentials locally.

Method: youtube.activities.insert
Description: This code sample calls the API's activities.insert method to post a bulletin to the channel associated with the request.

Method: youtube.playlistItems.list
Description: This code sample calls the API's playlistItems.list method to retrieve a list of videos uploaded to the channel associated with the request. The code also calls the channels.list method with the mine parameter set to true to retrieve the playlist ID that identifies the channel's uploaded videos.

Description: This code sample calls the API's search.list method to retrieve search results associated with a particular keyword.

Method: youtube.videos.insert
Description: This code sample calls the API's videos.insert method to upload a video to the channel associated with the request.