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Starred repositories
scylladb / gocql
Forked from apache/cassandra-gocql-driverPackage gocql implements a fast and robust ScyllaDB client for the Go programming language.
🪄 Auto-generate Streamlit UI from Pydantic Models and Dataclasses.
idiap / coqui-ai-TTS
Forked from coqui-ai/TTS🐸💬 - a deep learning toolkit for Text-to-Speech, battle-tested in research and production
ahgamut / musl-cross-make
Forked from richfelker/musl-cross-makeSimple makefile-based build for musl cross compiler
LLaMa retrieval plugin script using OpenAI's retrieval plugin
A protoc-gen-js binary for npm.
pablodz / audiosocket
Forked from CyCoreSystems/audiosocketSimple bidirectional audio protocol
keerthanpg / talktopapers
Forked from nuwandavek/talktopaperskimocoder / wifite2
Forked from derv82/wifite2Rewrite of the popular wireless network auditor, "wifite" - original by @derv82
takase1121 / xwinwrap
Forked from r00tdaemon/xwinwrapMy fork of xwinwrap. Xwinwrap allows you to stick most of the apps to your desktop background.
glebarez / sqlite
Forked from go-gorm/sqliteThe pure-Go SQLite driver for GORM
mmhobi7 / xwinwrap
Forked from valgusk/xwinwrapX11 Window in desktop enviroment background
Configurable navigation bar for Flutter
A Flutter widget for rendering interactive 3D models in the glTF and GLB formats.
A desktop application for downloading Udemy Courses
pablodz / dispatchers
Forked from CyCoreSystems/dispatchersdispatcher management for kamailio and kubernetes; related tools
traud / asterisk-opus
Forked from seanbright/asterisk-opusAsterisk 13 transcoding module: Opus
pablodz / pretty
Forked from tidwall/prettyEfficient JSON beautifier and compactor for Go
pablodz / docker-protoc
Forked from namely/docker-protocDocker images for generating protocol buffer definitions
cbroglie / mustache
Forked from hoisie/mustacheThe mustache template language in Go
rainbow-cnay / audiosocket
Forked from CyCoreSystems/audiosocketSimple bidirectional audio protocol
grpckit / grpckit
Forked from namely/docker-protocgrpckit is your docker swiss army knife for grpc and protobuf generation
mhamrah / awesome-grpc
Forked from grpc-ecosystem/awesome-grpcA curated list of useful resources for gRPC
adafruit / circuitpython
Forked from micropython/micropythonCircuitPython - a Python implementation for teaching coding with microcontrollers
pablodz / telegram
Forked from nasermirzaei89/telegramGolang Telegram Bot API
pablodz / DNP
Forked from mosheman5/DNPAudio Denoising with Deep Network Priors