The scripts in this folder can be used to run B&A servers in a local system. This can be used for sanity testing B&A locally or for debugging B&A code in test_mode. The scripts use the local binaries to start the servers on local ports without HTTPS. The logs will be output to stderr/stdout.
Docker daemon should be up and running.
./production/packaging/build_and_test_all_in_docker --service-path bidding_service --service-path buyer_frontend_service --instance local --platform gcp --build-flavor non_prod --gcp-skip-image-upload
# Edit the run time flags in the scripts:
# Eg. change the biddingExecutableUrl in tools/debug/start_bidding_byob for custom generateBid script.
# Eg. change the buyer_kv_server_addr in tools/debug/start_bfe for custom KV server.
# Eg. change the GLOG_v value to increase/decrease log level.
# Open two new terminals at B&A project root.
# Start the Bidding server in terminal 1:
# You should see some logs in each server as it displays HTTP metrics for the first call to the generateBid executable endpoint and some errors for OTEL collectors not found.
# Start the BuyerFrontEnd server in terminal 2:
# You should see some logs in each server as it displays HTTP metrics for the first call to the KV server and some errors for OTEL collectors not found.
Not supported.
Docker daemon should be up and running.
./production/packaging/build_and_test_all_in_docker --service-path bidding_service --service-path buyer_frontend_service --instance local --platform aws --build-flavor non_prod
# Edit the run time flags in the scripts:
# Eg. change the biddingJsUrl in tools/debug/start_bidding for custom generateBid script.
# Eg. change the buyer_kv_server_addr in tools/debug/start_bfe for custom KV server.
# Eg. change the GLOG_v value to increase/decrease log level.
# Open two new terminals at B&A project root.
# Start the Bidding server in terminal 1:
# You should see some logs in each server as it displays HTTP metrics for the first call to the generateBid JS endpoint and some errors for OTEL collectors not found.
# Start the BuyerFrontEnd server in terminal 2:
# You should see some logs in each server as it displays HTTP metrics for the first call to the KV server and some errors for OTEL collectors not found.
Install Python 3 Clang (if not installed).
sudo apt install python3-clang
builders/tools/bazel-debian build //services/bidding_service:server
builders/tools/bazel-debian build //services/buyer_frontend_service:server
# Edit the run time flags in the scripts:
# Eg. change the biddingJsUrl in tools/debug/start_bidding for custom generateBid script.
# Eg. change the buyer_kv_server_addr in tools/debug/start_bfe for custom KV server.
# Eg. change the GLOG_v value to increase/decrease log level.
# Open two new terminals at B&A project root.
# Start the Bidding server in terminal 1 with bazel build folder:
./tools/debug/start_bidding --gdb
# You should see some logs in each server as it displays HTTP metrics for the first call to the generateBid JS endpoint and some errors for OTEL collectors not found.
# Start the BuyerFrontEnd server in terminal 2 with bazel build folder:
./tools/debug/start_bfe --gdb
# You should see some logs in each server as it displays HTTP metrics for the first call to the KV server and some errors for OTEL collectors not found.
Docker daemon should be up and running.
./production/packaging/build_and_test_all_in_docker --service-path seller_frontend_service --service-path auction_service --instance local --platform aws --build-flavor non_prod
# Edit the run time flags in the scripts:
# Eg. change the auctionJsUrl in tools/debug/start_auction for custom scoreAd script.
# Eg. change the key_value_signals_host in tools/debug/start_sfe for custom KV server.
# Eg. change the GLOG_v value to increase/decrease log level.
# Open two new terminals at B&A project root.
# Start the Auction server in terminal 1:
# You should see some logs in each server as it displays HTTP metrics for the first call to the scoreAd JS endpoint and some errors for OTEL collectors not found.
# Start the SellerFrontEnd server in terminal 2:
# You should see some logs in each server as it displays HTTP metrics for the first call to the KV server and some errors for OTEL collectors not found.
Install Python 3 Clang (if not installed).
sudo apt install python3-clang
builders/tools/bazel-debian build //services/auction_service:server
builders/tools/bazel-debian build //services/seller_frontend_service:server
# Edit the run time flags in the scripts:
# Eg. change the auctionJsUrl in tools/debug/start_auction for custom scoreAd script.
# Eg. change the key_value_signals_host in tools/debug/start_sfe for custom KV server.
# Eg. change the GLOG_v value to increase/decrease log level.
# Open two new terminals at B&A project root.
# Start the Auction server in terminal 1 with bazel build folder:
./tools/debug/start_auction --gdb
# You should see some logs in each server as it displays HTTP metrics for the first call to the scoreAd JS endpoint and some errors for OTEL collectors not found.
# Start the SellerFrontEnd server in terminal 2 with bazel build folder:
./tools/debug/start_sfe --gdb
# You should see some logs in each server as it displays HTTP metrics for the first call to the KV server and some errors for OTEL collectors not found.
Plaintext requests need to be created manually. For a Buyer stack, this should be a valid GetBidsRawRequest object.
You can use the secure_invoke tool for sending a request to the buyer stack. The plaintext request will be encrypted with a hardcoded key that the server can understand when running with the test_mode flag set to true. Example -
# Setup arguments.
INPUT_PATH=/tmp/get_bids_request.txt # Needs to be a valid GetBidsRawRequest
CLIENT_IP=<A valid client IPv4 address>
# Run the tool with desired arguments.
DOCKER_NETWORK=host ./builders/tools/bazel-debian run //tools/secure_invoke:invoke \
-- \
-target_service=bfe \
-input_file="/src/workspace/${INPUT_PATH}" \
-input_format=${INPUT_FORMAT} \
-host_addr="localhost:50051" \
-client_ip=${CLIENT_IP} \
Encrypted request must be a valid GetBidsRequest with an encrypted request_ciphertext. Currently, there is no recommended way to get an encrypted ciphertext for testing.
Plaintext requests need to be created manually. For the expected format for this request, please refer to the secure_invoke section.
You can use the secure_invoke tool for sending a request to the buyer stack. The plaintext request will be encrypted with a hardcoded key that the server can understand when running with the test_mode flag set to true. Example -
# Setup arguments.
INPUT_PATH=select_ad_request.json # Needs to be a valid plaintext request in the root of the B&A project (i.e. the path is .../bidding-auction-server/select_ad_request.json)
CLIENT_IP=<A valid client IPv4 address>
# Run the tool with desired arguments.
DOCKER_NETWORK=host ./builders/tools/bazel-debian run //tools/secure_invoke:invoke \
-- \
-target_service=sfe \
-input_file="/src/workspace/${INPUT_PATH}" \
-host_addr="localhost:50053" \
-client_ip=${CLIENT_IP} \
Encrypted requests must be valid SelectAdRequests with an encrypted protectedAudienceCiphertext. The ciphertext can be obtained from the client side (Chrome/Android), and the auction config has to be populated manually. There are two ways to send encrypted requests to local servers -
gRPC - You can use grpcurl to send an encrypted payload to the seller stack.
grpcurl --plaintext -H 'X-BnA-Client-IP:<A valid client IPv4 address>' -H 'X-User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' -H 'x-accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -d '@' localhost:50053 privacy_sandbox.bidding_auction_servers.SellerFrontEnd/SelectAd < select_ad_request.json
HTTP - To send HTTP requests, you will have to route the requests through envoy. Envoy should be started in a separate terminal as follows -
PROJECT_PATH=<Path to B&A project eg. ~/projects> docker run --rm -t --network="host" -v $PROJECT_PATH/bidding-auction-server/bazel-bin/api/bidding_auction_servers_descriptor_set.pb:/etc/envoy/bidding_auction_servers_descriptor_set.pb -v $(pwd)/logs:/logs -v $PROJECT_PATH/bidding-auction-server/tools/debug/envoy.yaml:/tmp/envoy.yaml envoyproxy/envoy:dev-3b18bc650237ce923176becc1e7ee0bd8de4b701 -c /tmp/envoy.yaml
You can then send the request to envoy using CURL -
curl --url localhost:51052/v1/selectAd -H 'X-BnA-Client-IP:<Valid IP address>' -H 'X-User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' -H 'x-accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' -d "@select_ads_request.json"
Requests must be valid GetComponentAuctionCiphertextsRequest with an encrypted protectedAuctionCiphertext. The encrypted ciphertext can be obtained using the secure_invoke tool with -op='encrypt'.
grpcurl --plaintext -d '{"protected_auction_ciphertext":"", "component_sellers":["", "", ""]}' localhost:50053 privacy_sandbox.bidding_auction_servers.SellerFrontEnd/GetComponentAuctionCiphertexts
- Change log level with the GLOG_v environment variable before starting the servers. To display all logs, set the level to 10.
- You can only connect single instances of each server locally without a load balancer.
- If you need to change the default port numbers for any servers, make sure and update the scripts for the server connecting to this updated server as well. For example, if the port for BFE changes, the address must also be updated in tools/debug/start_sfe.
- Start Bidding server before BuyerFrontEnd server, so that BuyerFrontEnd can connect to Bidding on startup. Otherwise, requests might fail.
- Start Auction server before SellerFrontEnd server, so that SellerFrontEnd can connect to Auction on startup. Otherwise, requests might fail.
- Start Buyer stack before seller stack, so that SellerFrontEnd server can connect to buyer stack on startup. Otherwise, requests might fail.