This is the Jekyll source of the website.
You can contribute by reporting errors or suggesting improvements. Just open an issue or pull request.
This is a big project with many translations involved. Please help us stay on top of things by following our guidelines for contributors.
Bundler will take care of the dependencies, so unless you already have done so, you might need to install bundler with:
gem install bundler
Then clone the repository and install the dependencies:
git clone
bundle config set --local without production
bundle install
Making changes is easy: just locate the Markdown source of the page you want to improve, then make your changes or add content.
If you plan to submit a pull request or want to preview your changes on Heroku, you need to
- create a topic branch,
- commit your changes to this branch.
See the project's wiki for some guidelines on how your commits and PRs should look like.
Generate the website with
bundle exec rake build
Then start a local web server with
bundle exec rake serve
Open http://localhost:4000/ in your browser to access the preview.
Note: The build of the site will take several minutes.
Alternatively, you can use Jekyll directly.
bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --future --incremental
If your draft uses future date, you may want to use --future
In case a build is not possible on your local machine or you want to test your changes under production conditions you can also create a preview on Heroku.
Sign up for Heroku if you do not have an account yet.
Install the Heroku Toolbelt.
Unless you already have,
into your local working copy of this repo. -
Create a preview app on Heroku using the custom buildpack:
heroku login heroku create --buildpack
Push your feature branch:
git push heroku feature_branch:master
To create a preview of the master branch:
git push heroku master
Open the preview in your browser with heroku open
retrieve the preview URL using heroku info
and open it in your browser.
Besides generating and previewing the site you can perform additional tests with these tasks:
bundle exec rake lint # run linter on markdown files
bundle exec rake check:markup # check markup for all generated pages
bundle exec rake check:links # check for 404's (needs a running local server)
For more information see the wiki.