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Message Exit Handler for TFX Pipelines

Python TensorFlow

The component can support any message provider therefore the project was renamed from Slack Exit Handler to Message Exit Handler

Project Description

This component provides an exit handler for TFX pipelines which notifies the user about the final state of the pipeline (failed or succeeded) via a Slack message. If the pipeline failed, the component will provide the error message.

Project Use-Case(s)

The exit handler notifies about the final state of a pipeline. Instead of constantly pulling the pipeline status via the Vertex cli, the exit handler notifies the users subscripbed to a Slack channel.

The implementation can be extended to cover us communication services (e.g. SMS via Twilio) too.

Project Implementation

The existing implementation is Python-based and it uses the tfx.orchestration.experimental.exit_handler decorator.

The component excepts 4 parameters:

  • final_status
  • on_failure_only
  • credentials
  • decrypt_fn

final_status is the JSON string of the pipeline status, provided by TFX. The Slack parameters contain the credentials to submit the message. And on_failure_only is a configuration for frequently run pipeline to only alert on failures. We have a number of pipelines were this options was useful.

The exit handler also accepts an optional module path in case the provider credentials are encrypted. Please specify decrypt_fn in case you want to decrypt your credentials on the fly.

The component parses the status, and composes a message based on the content.

job_id = status["pipelineJobResourceName"].split("/")[-1]
if status["state"] == "SUCCEEDED":
  message = f":tada: Pipeline job *{job_id}* completed successfully.\n"
  message = f":scream: Pipeline job *{job_id}* failed."
  message += f"\n>{status['error']['message']}"

The a Slack web client object is created and the message is submitted via the object.

Overall, the implementation is minimal, but it serves as a great exit handler example.

Usage Example at Digits

Example usage

from tfx_addons.message_exit_handler.component import MessageExitHandler
from tfx_addons.message_exit_handler.protos import slack_pb2

dsl_pipeline = pipeline.create_pipeline(

runner = kubeflow_v2_dag_runner.KubeflowV2DagRunner(

exit_handler = MessageExitHandler(
runner.set_exit_handler(exit_handler), write_out=True)

If your credentials are encrypted, you can specific a custom function created by you to decrypt the credentials. You can pass the function to the exit handler as follows:

exit_handler = MessageExitHandler(

Pipeline Success Message


Pipeline Failure Message


Visualization in Google Cloud Vertex Pipelines


Project Dependencies

The component requires:

  • TFX version >= 1.4.0
  • Slack Python client

The component will also require Google Cloud's Vertex pipelines as its orchestrator.

Project Team

The component was initiated, designed and implemented by Digits' machine learning team. For questions regarding this component or contribution submission, please reach out to:

  • Hannes Max Hapke (@hanneshapke), Digits Financial, Inc., hannes -at-

If you would like to join Digits' ML team, please reach out. More information are available on Digits' Job Page.