- Gatsby
- Sass (SCSS Flavored) CSS, Buzz Lightyear Style
- Bulma CSS Framework
- React Helmet
Management - React Icons SVG Icon Components (Including Font Awesome and others)
- Eslint for JS linting
- Prettier for JS formatting
- StyleLint for Scss linting and formatting
- Jest for a test framework
- Enzyme for testing with React
- Husky for git hooks, particularlly precommit management
- Lint Staged to run commands only on staged files
- Bump for version management
Run the following in your favorite terminal:
gatsby new [directory] https://github.com/colbyfayock/gatsby-starter-zurg
- Set up Yarn: https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/
- Install the Gatsby CLI globally:
yarn global add gatsby-cli
- Inside the directory of your choice, scaffold a new Gatsby site:
gatsby new [directory] https://github.com/colbyfayock/gatsby-starter-zurg
For example, if I want my installation in ~/Code/new-gatsby-site
, I would navigate to ~/Code
and run:
gatsby new new-gatsby-site https://github.com/colbyfayock/gatsby-starter-zurg
- Navigate to your new directory and run:
yarn develop
- You should now be running a new Gatsby site locally! 🎉
CSS-in-JS is all the rage right now, but stylesheets have a lot of advantages unless you're building an application the size of Facebook (exaggeration). When using stylesheets, Sass provides a lot of power to make working with it dynamic with well thought out ways of managing imports to focus style development.
Bulma has a lot of good things going for it, like it's developer friendly nature and it's customization options. I particularly like it's use of flexbox for columns (though others have similar qualities).
Working with the <head>
is hard, and Helmet makes this easy.
This package makes working with icons fun again, with little hassle, a wide variety of icons, and importantly, it renders the components as an SVG node which is great for an app. Bonus: it includes Font Awesome, which has a lot of great icons.
Eslint is a great framework for JS linting and is the backbone of most linting applications.
Prettier does a bit better of a job managing formatting, so it's set up to run on top of the Eslint config rather than maintaining 2.
StyleLint gives us the ability to provide similar linting and formatting that we would get with Eslint and Prettier for our Scss.
Jest is pretty easy to set up and use. It's also pretty fast which is a nice bonus.
Enzyme makes testing React components simpler with it's APIs around rendering out the components.
Husky provides a good easily manageable way to set up git hooks. Particularly here, we run linting before a commit is able to be complete.
Rather than run linting on every single file every single commit, we can use lint staged to only run on the files that are... well... staged on git.
Bump provides a nice simple interface for working with versioning your app. Running bump
along with the desired options gives you automation for git tagging, changelogs, npm package version increment, and more.