- It is also known as pocket reduction surgery, as the main motto behind this surgical procedure is reduction in the pathological deepening of gingival sulcus more than 3mm as ideal pocket depth is 2-3mm which is easy to maintain but as it gets deepen it becomes difficult to maintain and leads to continuous deposition of plaque and calculus, which further harbors bacteria and causes destruction of gums and bone.
- It is difficult to remove the deposits completely with the conventional methods than flap surgery is indicated in such cases.
- In this procedure gums are reflected deposits are removed root planing is done and again gums are lifted back in position and sutured to attain the new attachment between gums and root surface i.e. the pocket depth is reduced.

In case of severe destruction in periodontitis defects are visible radiographically and clearly visualize after flap reflection. In such cases Bone Grafting is done. Bone grafting is done using various types of bone grafts – autogenous bone grafts, synthetic bone grafts, allografts. Amongst these grafts autogenous bone grafting is the best as it’s from individuals own body so not having any allergic reaction. It is having maximum regenerative capacity as compare to other graft materials. Bone grafting is done simultaneously with the flap surgery.
Movement gums towards root (Apical) from the margin of gums leading to exposure of root surface is known as recession. Denudation of roots occurs because of recession because of which it might lead to sensitivity and unpleasant smile.
Recession occurs because of gum disease, traumatic brushing, frenum pull etc.If left untreated even it can cause permanent damage to the tooth even loss of tooth also in some cases.
To overcome this problem recession coverage surgeries are planned as per the condition after removing the etiologic factor so as to prevent its further recurrence.
Recession Coverage Surgeries Are Done In Various Ways-
- Coronally Advanced Flap Surgery – in this flap surgery is done and after debridement flap is repositioned back in close approximation of root surface by advancing it coronally (tooth side).
- Laterally Repositioned Flap – this technique is almost similar to the above mentioned technique just with a difference of advancement of flap from the adjacent tooth to cover the denuded root surface.
- Soft Tissue Grafting – in this tissue is harvested from palatal (roof) region of the patients mouth, and graft is placed in the recession area by a minor surgical procedure which provides an extra tissue to the deficient area. It is done in combination with conventional flap surgery.
- Guided Tissue Regeneration – as the name suggests in this destroyed that includes bone and gums are regenerated. This process is also done in combination of flap surgery. In this procedure a barrier membrane is used between the gum and bone surface, hence allows both soft and hard tissue to regenerate.
Gingivectomy is a procedure that includes the excision of gums. As the gums enlarges because of my factors like in gum diseases because of deposits/calculus, drug induced ie because of some medications taken for the treatment like epilepsy, high blood pressure etc. enlarged gums hampers the aesthetics and function of teeth. Gingivectomy can be done by using Laser and Scalpel. Gingivectomy is done to enhance the aesthetics and prognosis of teeth.
This procedure is almost similar to the Gingivectomy with a basic difference that in this procedure the gum tissue is not excised. In this procedure gums arte reshaped by laser to enhance the aesthetics which gets hampered because of gum diseases or is also done by laser to make this procedure comfortable.
Clinical crown length decreases because of fracture of teeth or decay, for the restoration of tooth certain clinical height is required to provide retention to the prosthetic crown. To achieve this crown lengthening is done in which excess gum tissue is removed by the use of Laser to increase the height of clinical crown. In certain cases surgical lengthening is also required.
As the name suggest it’s a procedure that involves augmentation of ridge/ alveolar bone to regain its width to give prosthesis in future. Ridge/ bone gets resorbed because of gum disease or because of prolonged edentulous span, so to overcome this problem grafting is being done. In this procedure under local anaesthesia flap is reflected in the region where grafting is required, after reflection bone graft is placed and above graft membrane is placed after this procedure flaps are approximated and sutured. Post op instructions given to the patient.
Your gums are responsible to keep your teeth rooted. As a patient getting gums treatment you would not want to take any chance that may worsen your dental problem. Therefore, you must get your gums treated by an experienced renowned Periodontist. At Dentesthica, we believe in providing the BEST GUMS TREATMENT IN SOUTH DELHI.
We offer both surgical and non-surgical gums treatment in Delhi at an affordable price. Our experienced periodontist is highly experienced and treat their patients with the utmost care. Visit Dentesthica today to achieve a pleasant healthy smile.