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GoLink and UTM Generator

This tool allows you to shorten URLs and optionally add campaign UTM parameters for tracking data in Google Analytics.
* BlazerID:
Invalid Input, must enter a valid BlazerID

Please enter a valid BlazerID

* URL:
Only uab approved domain links may be used.

URL of webpage to be shortened and/or tracked. All links must originate from an approved domain. uab.edu uab.taleo imodules.com uabprod.service-now.com uabsports.evenue.net uab.zoom.us uab.co1.qualtrics.com uab-mc.zoom.us calendly.com uab.libwizard.com uab.instructure.com uabonline.instructure.com wbhm.org uab.primo.exlibrisgroup.com

Requested GoLink:
Please use only letters, numbers, dashes, or underscores for your GoLink. Must be all lowercase letters, no capitals allowed.

What you'd like to appear after https://go.uab.edu/ as a "vanity" url, not required (i.e. - go.uab.edu/welcome). All values will be converted to lowercase to work properly with the url shortener tool. If this field is left blank, a short, random string of letters will represent your link. Please choose a GoLink that represents your page or the concept you're trying to share. GoLinks are provided on a first-come, first-served basis; if the link you're trying to choose has already been claimed, you'll be asked to choose another. **Do not input the full URL here, i.e. www.uab.edu/research or go.uab.edu/research. Only input "research" and the form will generate the golink URL for you.

* Would you also like to generate a QR code?
Invalid Input

* Which group should this link be associated with?
Please select your group

Invalid Input

Think of the medium parameter as a bucket, they should represent large groups or types of content.

Invalid Input

The source represents the site or content in which the link is found or delivered.

Campaign Name:
Invalid Input

The name of the campaign used in paid marketing efforts. This tag can also be used for monthly email campaigns.

Invalid Input

Provides additional details about your campaign. For paid search campaigns, use it to differentiate ads. For emails that are more frequent than monthly, this should include the date of the email in the format "yyyy-mm-dd."

If additional custom parameters are required but not available here, use the Google Campaign URL Builder.

Invalid Input

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Can't find what you need? Do you have suggestions for items to add to our brand and communications toolkit? Email marketing@uab.edu, and we'll connect you with the right Marketing & Communications team member.

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