· This seminar paper review the effort initiated to ensure environmental sustainability in Ethiopia from different information, report and research made by scholars and organizations Seminar papers have to have a clear structure. This implies that sections and subsections follow in a logical order and do not merely constitute a random. A seminar paper is written for an audience that is especially interested in the broad area of your study. So, in your paper, be sure to include Seminar paper SWITCH Switch is a short story that is written by Gish Jen, an American whose parents were Chinese immigrants. The setting of the story is in the United States but also there are characters that are drawn from foreign countries such as China and Japan (Gina, )
How to Write a Seminar Paper | The Classroom
To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. Download Free PDF. How seminar paper Write a Seminar Paper Seminar: Writing Techniques. Gyrus Poduke. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. READ PAPER. General Guidelines for Documents 1 1 Introduction Since generations, seminar paper, students are writing preseminar papers, seminar papers, seminar paper, and eventually diploma or master theses.
For most students, such seminar papers are the first documents they write seminar paper apart from some shorter documents in school. On this reason, supervisors of seminars have to give the same comments about writing style, formatting, literature, etc again and again. This paper should serve as a guideline for students, helping them in writing seminar papers.
To do so, chapter 2 starts with some guidelines about the style of the seminar paper. This includes as well formatting of seminar papers as comments on orthography and the embedding of figures and tables, seminar paper.
Afterwards, chapter 3 has a closer look to the structuring and presentation of contents, seminar paper. This chapter gives an overview of general rules how to structure a paper, which contents seminar paper consider, and which parts are seminar paper to be included.
Also, it is stated which formulations should be used and which should not. Comments on how to include literature in the seminar paper follow in chapter 4, together with some remarks on literature study.
At the end, chapter 6 concludes the paper and gives a look onto future trends in seminar papers and presentations. On this reason, this chapter gives seminar paper overview how to format the paper in a way that others feel comfortable in reading. Text should be in Times New Roman or a similar fontseminar paper, 12pt.
Some prefer Arial font type — if you do so, use a font size of 11pt. But in general opinion, Arial is better for presentation slides, but Times New Roman is better for longer texts. Use blocked text alignment i. alignment to left and rightand as in this document, use a spacing between the lines which is a bit larger then 1 line the author prefers 1. Also, the document looks nicer seminar paper there is an additional spacing between the paragraphs, seminar paper.
Document Format Seminar paper and matriculation number of the writer, and Name of the supervisor. The title page is followed by a blank page — on the simple reason that it looks better when the back of the title page is empty when printed duplex. After that, there is to be included a table of contents.
Depending on the extent of the seminar paper, it maybe fits on one page, seminar paper, seminar paper it needs several pages.
If the table of contents has an odd number of pages, add an empty page behind it, as for the title page. If the table of contents has more than one page, add a page header, starting on the second page of the table of contents. After the table of contents, the contents start, seminar paper. Note that only with chapter one, seminar paper, the pages are numbered, starting with page number 1.
add a page header to all pages, containing at least the page seminar paper. If you also had to add a header to the seminar paper of contents, it is numbered separately; usually, small roman numbers i, ii, iii, … are used.
At the end of the document, after the content chapters, a list of the used literature is to be appended. Figure 1: General form of a communication process Figures and tables need to be numbered independently. Readability 3 Figures also have to be of good quality. Sometimes it is necessary to copy figures from other sources mostly with e.
simulation resultsbut in general you should draw figures by yourself, not copy them from other sources! If you copy figures from somewhere else, you have to make clear from which source they are taken, see fig. Figure 2: Copied figure from [JRM04] Seminar paper note: the quality in fig. You decided to study, now you have to live with it, seminar paper. Some professors say that in each paragraph there should seminar paper emphasized words in a form that with only one look one is able to catch the statement of the paragraph by only reading the italic words.
But often, it is enough to emphasize the real important words in the chapters, seminar paper. A very important point to mention here is orthography and grammar, seminar paper. Often students are delivering seminar seminar paper which are completely seminar paper because of spelling or grammar mistakes.
Those who are not good in these things should give the seminar paper a friend for making corrections. It is not the task of the supervisor to mark such errors; it is simply not acceptable to deliver a work full of mistakes! diploma thesis even if for such a thesis the guidelines are a bit different.
Think about a document style before starting to write your document, especially if you plan to use something like Microsoft Word for writing. Structuring and Presentation of Contents processor, pressing on a document structure at a later time is much more work than designing a document template at the beginning.
If you decide to use LaTeX [GM05], document seminar paper is not such a problem. Please note: if you deliver a work consisting of lot of spelling or grammar mistakes or which is written without any formatting, it usually becomes very hard to read, seminar paper.
In such a case, the supervisor is allowed to reject your seminar paper without reading it! Additionally, there are some raw guidelines how to structure the content itself. Please note: there is no reason to name all the chapters of a seminar paper exactly in this way; it is more a list of contents which should be covered in this order, not a fixed division into subchapters. You should start with some general motivation of the topic, leading to a short, pregnant formulation of the goal seminar paper the paper, seminar paper, i.
The second part of the introductory chapter is a raw overview of the contents of the paper. This is to give seminar paper reader a fast insight in the work to enable him to maybe skip some chapters and immediately go to the part he is interested in. On this reason, an overview of the structure of the following contents is seminar paper here, seminar paper, like done e. in chapter 1 of this paper. Structure of the Concluding Chapter 5 3. Here, seminar paper, the core statements or findings of the seminar seminar paper have to be shortly summarized.
This summary is to be followed by an outlook: it should be stated, which questions are still open and what could be done in future to make progress in the topical area. Others say that related work seminar paper only be presented after the description of the own topic, to enable a better comparison of advantages and disadvantages.
Nevertheless, related work needs to be included! Seminar paper, there is no general rule how to structure the main contents of the seminar paper. Generally, it is good to write at least two chapters: one of the presented approaches algorithm, architecture, … and one on an evaluation on these approaches simulations, mathematical evaluations, … — but the most suitable structure depends on the assigned topic, thus it should be discussed with the assigned supervisor. Please note: in preseminars, not a new research topic is to be presented, but some well-known technology, seminar paper.
Thus, the structuring as sketched in the present subchapter is unsuitable. Also for a preseminar related work should be considered, but not as alternative approaches, but to explain additional details. Thus it is to be included into the other chapters, seminar paper, not to be presented as an own chapter.
But as for seminars, seminar paper, also in preseminars the most suitable structure depends on the assigned topic and should be seminar paper with the supervisor. Also, for diploma or Ph. theses, some additional guidelines hold — as an example, refer to [Th04]. the one how writes the paper is never mentioning himself directly. Additionally, there are some formulations that should be avoided. It is e. Use only formulations which make the paper sound well-stated. Literature Study and Usage of Literature One more thing unfortunately has been mentioned: it is forbidden to copy text from other sources.
A student should read literature on the assigned topic and afterwards write in seminar paper words about it, seminar paper. Maybe it is necessary to cite single sentences or to copy a graph, but such things have to be marked as copied, seminar paper. The text in general is to be written in own words. Seminar papers which contain several copied text fragments from other sources are rejected by the supervisor; furthermore, the supervisor has the right to exclude you from further participation in the seminar!
In a last comment on writing, abbreviations should be treated. It is only allowed to use abbreviations ABB if they are introduced somewhere in the paper before, like shown here exemplarily for ABB.
The author cannot expect that all readers know all 1. But it is enough to do it once per ABB, it is not necessary to write out the whole term followed by the ABB over and over again in the whole paper. But it is not sufficient only to read the initial material. The first step in working on a seminar topic is to do a literature survey about related works in the topical area or about details on technology in preseminars.
A reader should be able to see which parts of the paper is completely own thoughts and which parts are basing on which foreign sources. For this, seminar paper, literature is to be referenced in the paper.
a source, e.
A.P. Seminar: A Perfect Paper Explained
, time: 6:24(PDF) How to Write a Seminar Paper Seminar: Writing Techniques | Gyrus Poduke - blogger.com

Seminar Paper blogger.com Seminar Paper blogger.com Content uploaded by Kamrul Faisal. Author content. All content in this area was uploaded by Kamrul Faisal on Dec 09, Author: Kamrul Faisal · This seminar paper review the effort initiated to ensure environmental sustainability in Ethiopia from different information, report and research made by scholars and organizations The seminar paper may be a commentary or extrapolation of a specific text. The professor may ask for a more critical paper that points out the weaknesses and strengths of a particular policy or perspective. Write the first draft of the seminar paper. Organize the paper into an
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