Yes, Tom Saguto can help your game, especially if you are tired by the traditional teaching approach to the game. Tom has a more stack and tilt approach, which is a system based approach that can help a golfer build a repeatable golf swing!
Are you searching for that perfect online golf instructor that can change your game? Have you stumbled across Tom Saguto on youtube and have found his approach quite intriguing?
The same thing happened to me. One night as I watched plenty of youtube videos, I came across Tom Saguto Golf and found his approach and personality rather different, but refreshing.
Here at golfjourney365, we believe we are all on a journey. So many of us want to play better golf and be more consistent. The key to great golf is finding your system that works for you.
You ultimately have to own your swing and know what causes certain mishits and what it takes to hit your best shots more often. We share our recipe at the end that we believe can help any golfer.
Update: 3 years later and I have continued to follow Tom Saguto and his offerings and communication skills continue to improve. I really enjoyed his interview on the Be Better Golf Youtube Channel, which provide a quality overview of what he teaches and why the system works.

Below I will provide a review of Tom Saguto Golf and cover the following topics with the goal of answering the question of can he help my game?
Tom Saguto Golf – Can He Help My Game
- Swing Approach and Philosophy
- Does the Swing Philosophy of Tom Saguto Set Up for Quality Online Instruction
- Simplicity of Instruction – Is it Repeatable?
- On Screen Personality
- Quality and Quantity of Content
- Online Instruction and Support – Further Content and Membership
- Overall can Tom Saguto Help My Game?
- Personal Experience and My Story
1 – Swing Approach and Philosophy
Tom Saguto golf is all about making the game simple and proving that much of the advice that we have read and viewed over the years can just lead to years of frustration in the game of golf. He challenges the traditional instruction and we find it rather refreshing.
Tom admits that much of his beliefs are rooted in the Stack and Tilt Golf System, even though the Stack and Tilt instructors were attacked for their viewpoints when they first hit the major golf industry over a decade ago. The truth is that their system works and elements of their swing can be found throughout the entire PGA Tour.
Full review on Stack and Tilt Golf
Many of the professional golfers have studied the work of Mike Bennet and Andy Plummer. Tom Saguto helps make their highly scientific approach easy to understand and makes it sound so simple, and the reality is the swing can be simple and Tom Sgauto is here to help.
Here is a quick breakdown of the Swing Approach by Tom Saguto:
Traditional Swing Instruction | Do This Instead |
Shift Weight to Back Foot | Stack weight on front foot |
Take the club straight back on the backswing | Swing in a circle with the left arm staying close to the body |
Keep your back knee flexed | Straight your back knee on backswing |
Turn your shoulders | Tilt your shoulders |
Fire your hands at the shot | Extend through the shot and keep the club square |
Here is a video where Tom explains these misconceptions. Even if you are turned off by the reference to STack and Tilt, you owe it yourself to check out this video:
It seems so simple doesn’t it? If you are frustrated with trying to hit different positions in your golf swing, give Tom Saguto’s approach a try and see if it works for you. It can’t hurt at this point right?
2 – Does the Swing Philosophy of Tom Saguto Set Up for Quality Online Instruction
While at this point, he doesn’t have a ton of videos yet. He is someone that keeps the approach rather simple and it sets up for quality online instruction. We believe the more positional based someone is the more difficult it would be to follow online.
However, Tom isn’t about hitting certain positions in the golf swing, he is more movement based and believes in the throwing of the right arm. He promotes that the power source in the swing comes from bringing that right arm in tight to the side and then throwing it.
He helps those with over the top movements and believes that the throwing motion is similar to skipping a stone across a body of water.
He has tried to reduce the swing to one thought and offers videos on the only thought that you need during the swing.
3 – Simplicity of Instruction – Is it Repeatable?
Simple answer is yes. It is repeatable. Why you might ask? Because it isn’t positional based. The instruction is simple and it is about the setup, getting hte club around the body and then firiting with the right arm.
You simply load the weight a big on the front side, swing back and around your body and then fire and extend your arms. This is a very repeatable move and it doesn’t take the timing that the traditional swing does with timing up the loading on the right side and then shifting the weight to the front side.
Your consistency in ball striking will increase.
The three fundamentals to the stack and tilt swing include the following:
- Striking the ground in the same spot on every swing
- Controlling the curvature of the shot
- Having enough power to play the course
With the weight loaded on the front side, it helps you strike the ground in the same spot on every swing. You are also able to better control the path through the visuals provided and the circle swing.
You can alter the ball position if you want to hit the ball more on the way out to the right or hit it on the front of the swing arc if you want it to start more left. The circular swing with the extension move provides the power that you need to play the course.
4 – On Screen Personality
Different, bold, refreshing are the first three words that come to mind. Energetic, passionate, simple are the next three words. Overall, you might love Tom or you might hate Tom, he definitely is bold and makes his approach sound convincing.
His approach is based on the Stack and Tilt approach that has a great deal of science and study of the golf machine behind it. He is taking the approach and making it simple to understand and to implement.
If you want a further look at the Stack and Tilt swing, I would highly recommend the book. If you are a golf fanatic, it is worth reading just from a ball flight law perspective and considering a system that might work for you.
Here is the Stack and Tilt book below (Highly Recommended):
5 – Quality and Quantity of Content
The quality is in the simplicity and boldness of his approach. He is an excellent communicator and isn’t afraid to show his swing on camera. He paces back and forth and you can feel the passion through the screen.
This is the high quality part of it. The more he produces videos the better the audio and the video has become. I believe in the coming years, he will continue to produce more and more content and he is someone to watch out for.
He will grow a following and more and more people might understand the benefits of this simple golf swing. The quantity is lower at this point, but I don’t expect this to last long.
6 – Online Instruction and Support – Further Content and Membership
I don’t see much at this point, but I would expect this to change in the near future. As his following grows, I could see a video analysis or one on one teaching through virtual connections.
He is someone that is passionate and will pour his time into helping others. He truly seems to love the game of golf and helping others. He believes he has found the secret that can help so many!
7 – Overall can Tom Saguto Help My Game?
Are you currently struggling with your game and have followed the traditional instruction below?
- Take the club straight back
- Keep your back knee flexed
- Turn your front shoulder straight back
- Load up on your right side
- Fire your hands through the ball
For some this approach may work, but if you are struggling with your golf swing, it is worth giving the Tom Saguto and the Stack and Tilt based approach a shot.
Go to the range, take your smartphone and try some of his basic tips to get started, you might just be impressed with how well you strike the ball. Read my story below to hear about my first attempt at the Stack and Tilt Swing.
8 – Personal Experience and My Story
It was the summer of 2009 and I had just read the Golf Digest article on the Stack and Tilt Gofl Swing, I was playing in an outing the next day and by the 11th hole, I was frustrated with my game.
So, I put 60% of my weight on my front foot, turned my left shoulder down and hit the most solid three wood of my life. I went out to use the Stack and Tilt Golf swing 100% of the time for the next 7 years. I played some of the best golf of my life and still use elements of it today in my swing.
These include the weight front loaded about 55-60%, the swinging in a circle and the extension through the ball. The understanding of ball flight laws from watching their videos and reading more and more about it, has truly helped my game and has helped me diagnose mishits and quickly make adjustments.
I believe it is one of the simplest ways to play golf. You don’t have to worry about making certain movements such as moving off the ball and hoping that your timing is on that day.
It helps eliminate one side of the golf course and your contact is almost guaranteed to be solid. I had trouble working the ball left to right and frequently over relied on a draw, but that wasn’t the worse thing.
Golf is a great sport and the amazing part about the time we lieve in today is the access to all of the information. We believe the following recipe can help any golfer:
The process can be simple:
- Make sure you have the right clubs
- Improve your swing mechanics – Find an Online Instructor (see below)
- Train for Speed (See below)
- Course Management – Check out our series on getting to the next level (see below)
Improve your swing mechanics – Find an online instructor:
Here is a list of golf instructors that we have reviewed:
Train for Speed:
This is an awesome way to gain an extra 5-8% in swing speed. This could mean an extra 20-30 yards. When you start to put it all together if you have an older driver, you slice the ball and you haven’t trained for speed – you might be sacrificing up to 40-50 yards. Make sure you take the steps including using the SuperSpeed golf system. Here is our review of the SuperSpeed System.
SuperSpeed Golf – Read our Full Review
If you decide to purchase the SuperSpeed and who wouldn’t want an extra 20-30 yards from 8-10 minutes a day for only 3 days a week?
Make sure you use Golfjourney365 for a 10% discount. You won’t regret your decision to purchase this training system that includes three training sticks that you follow the protocols that have been laid out by the experts.
One more alternative to the SuperSpeed Golf SYstem is the SwingMan Golf System. They promise 30-40 yards and receive excellent reviews from their membership site. Check them out here: Gain 30-40 yards in 30 Days – Swing Man Golf
Course Management – Get to the next level:
We have provided guides on how to break 100, 90, 80 and 70. Check out more below, if interested.
Take Action
Are you ready to get better and play more consistent golf. Is Tom Saguto the right instructor for you? I think many will find his approach refreshing and simple. If he is not for you, make sure you check out some of the other recommended instructors and don’t forget to train for speed.
How are you going to hit the ball further if you never train to swing faster. Just like anything you want to accomplish, you must train for it.
Get started today with SuperSpeed Golf or SwingMan Golf – Two great options.
Golf is a wonderful game and we are all on a golf journey. Find a way to get better today!