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Risk of Rain 2 Limited Edition Vinyl Now on Sale
Don't miss out on your preorder!
A limited edition vinyl set for Risk of Rain 2 has just been announced and opened for pre-orders today by Black Screen Records, Hopoo Games, and composer Chris Christodoulou. The full soundtrack will be available on limited edition 180g ink-spot vinyl and comes in a beautiful trifold sleeve with all-new original artwork illustrated by Italian artist Daniele Giardini. The vinyl is available in most territories.Risk of Rain 2 launched into Steam’s Early Access on March 28, 2019 to great success, achieving one millions copies sold in just over a month. Now also available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and The Nintendo Switch, Risk of Rain 2 is approaching its next update that will have it graduating out of Early Access on PC on August 11.
[PR email]