With God At Your Side

Jan 24, 2015 2877

by Milton Hook

At your sideJericho was a strong walled city with all gates barricaded. It seemed impossible to capture it. Joshua’s so-called army of ordinary people led by priests blowing ram’s horns and accompanied with the ark of the covenant made the impossible possible. They simply followed God’s instructions and  the walls tumbled (Joshua 6).

A similar calamity happened to the city of Caspis many years later when Judas Maccabaeus and his men were fighting against their oppressors. The city seemed impregnable but the Maccabeans charged the city and overran it (2 Maccabees 12).

These were examples of people of faith who did not think of what they could do for God but of what God could do for them.

When the Spanish Armada threatened England in 1588 an almighty gale blew them off course and against the rocky cliffs of the British Isles. Later, the English erected a monument to the occasion with the words, “God sent his wind and they were scattered.”

When we are faced with any demanding task, God is our dependable ally. The things that we find impossible to accomplish alone are always possible with God at our side.

– Milton Hook

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