Ask the Author: Avery Kingston

“Ask me a question.” Avery Kingston

Answered Questions (7)

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Avery Kingston I'd love to revisit this series someday. If/when I do I think I'll do two more novellas (shorter stories with these two about the same length as the first) and then make it a box set. Gotta just wait for X and Lainey to start speaking to me again!
Avery Kingston I adore the Harry Potter universe. JK Rowling did such fantastic job world building in her stories. I got a little sample of "traveling" to this world when I went to Wizarding World in Florida a couple years ago. I drank butterbeer, went to Olivanders and picked out a wand. I traveled the streets of Diagon Alley and hopped on the train at platform 9 3/4. I chatted with the conductor for quite some time and had MORE butterbeer when I got to Hogsmeade. I wandered through the castle and took in everything magical. For any Harry Potter fan, I recommend because this is the closest you'll ever get to the real deal.
Avery Kingston I wrote when I was a teenager and gave it up. When my husband was on military orders he sent me a smutty story about a blind woman and a military amputee veteran meeting in a bar for a hook up. He knew my love for wounded hero romance and veterans. This was kinda his way to connect with me while he was away. Little did he know this would ignite the old flame in me. I took his short story and spun an entire series based off these characters.
Avery Kingston Currently working on editing book two of Scott and Tori's saga, along with the rest of the books in the Fire and Fury series. I have amazing things in store and I love the world that I've created!
Avery Kingston Don't give up. Keep writing. Get to know other authors. Find your tribe and get connected in the author community. Perfect your craft.
Avery Kingston Living vicariously through my characters. Being able to create a world and do anything in this world I want.
Avery Kingston Sometimes I'll go to one of my other WIP's and start writing. Sometimes I'll just put anything on the page. You can always fix crap. Other times I'll read a really good book, it will inspire me and I can come back fresh.

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