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Ask the Author: H.D. Carlton

“Ask me a question.” H.D. Carlton

Answered Questions (12)

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H.D. Carlton It's since been unpublished and no longer available for purchase unfortunately. I don't have any plans to republish at this time :(
H.D. Carlton I don't have any current plans but never say never
H.D. Carlton Sometime in 2023 hopefully!
H.D. Carlton 18+, though it's extremely dark so please check trigger warnings!
H.D. Carlton She's getting a duet! I'll start writing it this year :)
H.D. Carlton It's coming out January 28th!
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H.D. Carlton Satan's Affair is recommended first because Haunting Adeline spoils Sibby's story. Haunting Adeline centers around Zade and Addie, but that doesn't mean what you're hoping for won't happen somewhere in the duet. Sibby will make appearances and will also be getting another book.
H.D. Carlton Lol, I'm aiming for end of January, but I will have an official release date soon!
H.D. Carlton It is highly encouraged, though not required. Satan's Affair is much darker (in my opinion) and my only comment is that if the book is not for you, you still may like Haunting Adeline!
H.D. Carlton Yes! It is available now through Amazon

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