Ask the Author: Ajitha Amarnath

“My million dollar question to my dear Readers: Are you ready to break the patterns (you earlier fell a victim for) from repeating in your lives? ” Ajitha Amarnath

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Ajitha Amarnath Thank you Vladimir Sivin for your question. There are a few books I have been putting off for sometime now to read later.

1. Kaizen by Sarah Harvey,

2. A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and

3. The Leader Who Had No Title by Robin Sharma
Ajitha Amarnath Hi Anatoly Zadniprohodov, Thank you very much for your question. "AMARANTHINE THOUGHTS: a collection of my insightful quotes and lockdown musings", as the subtitle explains or as you would agree is not a Novel or Memoir kind of book which are usually preferred as Audio books and are nowadays becoming a more convenient alternative to reading.

But, this book in particular, I must say is completely based on my quotes (one per page) and self-musings with more appealing images to complement each thought or emotion. Turning each page of my Book, will give my readers the time to stay in that page for sometime while the mind savours or contemplates the thoughts or emotions in it through one's own inner voice. I believe, that would leave my readers more satisfied than hearing the book through a voice they have never heard before.
Ajitha Amarnath Thank you Andrey Lebedev for your question. I am trying my best to get my first book to be read by larger number of book lovers. I would love to hear their valuable thoughts and feedback, which would help me correct or improve my next work. Though I have my hands and soul already working on it...I hope it sees light only after I have done justice to my first book.
Ajitha Amarnath Thank you Semen Petuhevenov for your question. Yes, God willing...I definitely plan to write more......In fact, I believe I am filled with thoughts I would love to share with the World.

As a writer, I do want to the see the responses of my readers too...their thoughts about my work, would they love reading a second book from me. Now, I am at a budding stage where I would love to hear more from my readers than just keep on writing. I would love to write for my readers, to inspire and motivate everyone including myself and not just for the sake of writing and publishing.
Ajitha Amarnath Thank you very much Svyatoslav Sychev for your unique question. It made my imaginations go soaring.

Undoubtedly, my first choice would be to travel to Hogwarts, hope the sorting hat assigns me 'Gryffindor'. Being a Leo Lady myself, it will be my best fit, I believe. 😊
I would love to learn Wizardry from the famous and renowned Professors there. if it was two years ago, you had asked me "why I would go there?"... my answer would surely have been for something I miss in my life or wanted the most. But, in today's World seeing the sufferings of people all around me and feeling helpless and in no control to do anything other than sitting at home trying to break the chain....I think I would better go to Hogwarts, just to learn how to end this suffering...wipe this deadliest virus from the face of our Earth forever..."Expecto patronum!"

One who has seen my profile would have surely guessed from whom I got my motivation....😊✨
Ajitha Amarnath Thank you Mikhail Podlavruhin for the question. With respect to the book of quotes I have written, the process for writing has mostly been the following:

1. At random times I might be brooding over a particular memory or an incident that had happened on that day which would have touched me or left me broken.

2. I jot down my thoughts as it comes...

3. If at a later time while re-reading, if it requires any edits or any rephrasing, I do, otherwise I leave it like that...undisturbed...original.
Ajitha Amarnath Thank you Igor Fedorov for your question. The best place I would like to write is in a calm and comfortable place in my home, away from any noise or other distractions, though at times I have noticed myself gazing at the greenery outside my window, lost in my thoughts. Not to mention, my first book itself was written during the complete lockdown days in India.
Ajitha Amarnath Thank you Dmitry Fedorov for your question. As you have asked me just one, I would choose first and foremost, the one thing every writer should have is a keen observation of everything around him/her. Just like I have mentioned in my Author Profile, "scrupulous attention to detail."
Ajitha Amarnath My recent book - "AMARANTHINE THOUGHTS" is a collection of my insightful quotes and lockdown musings written during the unprecedented days of isolation from the World, in 2020. Right from my childhood, I have always been a great admirer of quotes by all famous personalities or anybody who have written something I could relate to or motivate myself with. This childhood passion has ever since grew from writing inspirational quotes on my classroom board to sharing them on my social media accounts. I love inspiring people and have been effortlessly doing the same since I am living my dream of having written my own quotes and with the unfailing support of my loving family, I have been able to publish it for the World.
Ajitha Amarnath I just finished publishing my first book and have my scripts ready for the next, but will take some time until I have given enough care for the first to reach maximum readers before I go ahead with my further works.
Ajitha Amarnath I speak less but I always would love to express what I feel to those who matter, that inspires me to write and I have found writing as the best medium to convey my thoughts in a way I will never regret.
Ajitha Amarnath For all the aspiring writers, my only advice is -
"Just start writing...and you will surely find the means to take it ahead."
Ajitha Amarnath was a serious concern for me initially. But, I learned to relax, calm down, take breaks may be a day or two. I try to keep my mind blank without thinking about writing for few more days, if needed. I have never once forced myself to write when I didn't want to. Eventually, I get back in track and just start from where I left like a has always helped me keep up the momentum, as I love writing just as it comes.
Ajitha Amarnath The best thing about being a writer is, it helps me to realise every emotion in two different ways. One, through my brain which is judgemental and other through my words that comes from within.

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