Ask the Author: Tami Veldura

“I write queer SF&F as Tami Veldura, M/M as London Kemaker, M/F Paranormal Romance as Anna Morgan, and YA SF&F as S.T. Lynn. Ask me anything!” Tami Veldura

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Tami Veldura Eventually, but I don't have plans to bring it wide this year. Perhaps next year. However if you would like a copy in exchange for a review I'm happy to send you a file! Just email me: tamiveldura@gmail
Tami Veldura Yes! I'm finalizing Ruin and Will as we speak and expect to hand it over to my team by August. We're going to do a big blog tour push for this one, so you won't miss it. Publishing date isn't firm yet, but probably the last week-ish of August is when you'll see it.

And of course, if you're on my newsletter list you'll get an email the day it goes out. ARC readers will get it the week before.
Tami Veldura Hi Judy! No significant changes have been made from the DRitC version.
Tami Veldura Not much so far, but the numbers are improving. For anyone interested, you're welcome to look at my beautiful spreadsheet of sales and income:

I update whenever I receive a payment notice or royalty statement. Page 2 has all the fun graphs. If there's a number on here you'd like to see that isn't worked out, send me a message or ask here, I'll update the sheet.
Tami Veldura From my readers! Last year I published a collection of short stories and readers voted on their favorites. On October 31st I will release En Memoriam. The favorite chosen by readers, now expanded into its own stand-alone story.
Tami Veldura A Historical Fantasy! It's a big change for me but I'm really getting into the research. I need to find the line between historical accuracy and historical minutia, at what point does fantasy segue into disbelief?

The time period is 789 AD Japan, only a few years before the Samurai class develops. The Japanese move their military north and concur all of the 'uncultured' tribes living there.

Major theme: Rebirth
Tami Veldura Getting paid for making things up.

I'm not saying it's easy, it's probably one of the most difficult things I've ever done, but in the end I'm daydreaming, getting it down on paper, and someone is paying me for the privilege of reading it.

And that's super cool.
Tami Veldura Finish what you start.

This seems really simple, but usually the good advice is basic and very difficult. Finish what you start. If the thing you're working on just feels too big to ever finish, work on something smaller. The thrill of finishing something pushes me to finish even larger projects.
Tami Veldura In general, watching well crafted TV and movies, or reading an excellent book get me very excited to write.

Sometimes watching a crappy but exciting movie will put me in the writing mood as well.

But very specifically, if I'm sitting down to write (or I want to) but I'm really not in the mood, I'll isolate myself with a pair of nice headphones and blast some heavy dubstep to block out the whole world. I close all my internet windows except Google Docs so I'm not tempted to wander around and I make myself write a paragraph.

Just one. Odds are good I just need a push to get myself started and after that things start flowing.
Tami Veldura Writer's block is always a dislike of what I'm 'supposed' to be writing. If I'm not interested in the story, characters, or plot, I'm going to have a hard time writing anything about it. I'm just not having fun!

To kickstart myself I'll work on something I've been thinking about starting, I'll take a look at some writing prompts (they tend to turn into full stories), or I'll go outside and get physical. A walk around the block or a workout tend to put me in the writing mood.

But for the most part, I try not to commit to things that might not hold my interest. I write all my stories on spec (meaning I am not contracted to write something, I write it first, then try to sell it) so if I loose interest half way through I'm not obligated to finish it.

However, I need to be wary of getting bored with a story vs. loosing interest entirely. The middle of a long project is always difficult and if I give up I'll never finish anything! I mitigate boredom by outlining my stories before drafting so I always have an exciting scene to look forward to. I also tend to work on 2 or more projects at once. If I'm not feeling one of them I can work on the other and still get something done that day.

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