Ask the Author: Rene Denfeld

“Hello friends! I'm always interested in hearing from you!” Rene Denfeld

Answered Questions (45)

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Rene Denfeld Someday! I'm working on something else at the moment. I sure do love her character, though, and want to spend more time with her.
Rene Denfeld He was an ordinary looking man. But then, ordinary men can be the most dangerous.
Rene Denfeld I so appreciate this. My new novel comes out October 1st and I'm SO excited. It's called The Butterfly Girl and you can check out the page here for early reviews (with praise from Margaret Atwood!) and how to pre-order. Thank you for making my day :)
Rene Denfeld Thank you Kathy! I think its simply part of how I see the world. I think most of us are searching for something...hope, redemption, acceptance. We all want to feel we matter, and our lives have meaning. :)
Rene Denfeld Hello Peggy! Thank you for the kind words. I grew up with a lot of trauma. My stepdad was a registered predatory sex offender, for instance. Much of my writing is informed by my own history, including my efforts to use my experiences to help others—I'm now a therapeutic foster mom and investigator as well as author. I did have someone close to me disappear when I was a child. It was extremely traumatic, and helps me understand when working with those who are dealing with such terrifying losses.
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Rene Denfeld Hello Mary! I'm so sorry I missed this question. In my mind, the white haired boy was symbolic to the narrator—he represented a younger version of himself. Only the white-haired boy had hope of leaving the prison.
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Rene Denfeld Hello Tom! What a tough question that is. I think what's important is the narrator himself feels his soul is lost, and when people feel that depth of hopelessness for their own ability to be good, that is a terrible and frightening thing. I do think that when children are abused they can end up doing things they wouldn't have done if given the love, stability and guidance they needed. All children (and adults) need opportunities to succeed at being good people. There is a saying in public defense, "If someone can't be good at being good, they will be good at being bad." That's my experience, at least—life has given me enough humility to know I might always be wrong.
Rene Denfeld Hello Claire!I'm just now putting the finishing touches on the next novel. It's called THE BUTTERFLY MUSEUM and is slated for publication next fall! It does have more of Naomi's story—and a very exciting story about a twelve-year-old street girl who survives through her belief in butterflies. :)
Rene Denfeld Hello Ed! I'm working on an article right now for writers on publicity on a budget. One way to find ARC readers is to offer copies in various facebook book groups. Also reach out to book bloggers. You can research book blogs that love thrillers, and reach out to them. It's a fun away to find new fellow book lovers too!
Rene Denfeld Hello David! Both The Child Finder and The Enchanted are set in Oregon. The Child Finder is largely set in a remote mountain region, but also farming towns in the valley. The Enchanted is set in dying timber towns and the forests around them, as well as an Oregon prison. Thank you for asking!
Rene Denfeld Hello George! Thank you for reading The Enchanted. I'm honored you enjoyed it so. I think The Child Finder will come out in Greece...stayed tuned!
Rene Denfeld Thank you Fusun! I'm working on the next novel, so fingers crossed it will be published within a year or two. Generally it takes about a year after a novel is finished for it to be published. Sending me good writing luck, and thank you for your support!
Rene Denfeld Thank you Ed! It's tough, isn't it? Sometimes I joke only my best friend Coffee gets me through my days :) One of my tricks is to take my laptop, or even just a notebook, with me wherever I go. It's amazing how much writing you can get done while at the the kid's doctor appointments, on break at work, and so forth. Sending you positive vibes!

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